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9 year old Ben went to the field with his parents who were having a picnic together.

"Ben honey, come join us!" Leia shouted as he was playing on the field. 

"Coming mommy!" Ben shouted as he was about to come to his parents for a picnic until he saw a girl who was laying on the soft green grass, she wear a teal dress with white shoes, her hair was tied with 3 buns.

He came to her and she stood up as she look up to him and give a small smile to him. He smiled back.

"What is your name?" She asked him.

"Ben, you?" He asked her. She smiled and said "Reyhanne, but I prefer Rey better. That is what my mom used to call me."

"What happened to your mom?" Ben asked curiously to her.

"She died while giving birth to me, then my dad shot himself on the head when I was 2 years old because he missed her so much. So, my grandfather from my dad raised me after their deaths." Rey said in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Ben said and sits next to her.

"How old are you?" Rey asked him.

"I'm 9, you?" Ben asked her.

"I'm 7." She said to him. They became good friends and talking until 8 year old Bazine came to them.

"What are you doing here!" Bazine shout at them and Rey looked in fear. She didn't reply anything and become scared.

"You know that everyone didn't like little orphans like you, you'll get punished!" Bazine said and began to pull her hair very hard.

"Ow!" Rey cried and started to scream when Bazine untied her buns and pulling her hair so hard causing Ben watched in horror as Bazine continue pulling Rey's hair.

"Stop!" Ben shouts to Bazine, but she didn't listen to him and began to slap Rey's cheek, leaving a mark on it until her mother came and looked shocked at her.

"Bazine! What have you done!" Mrs. Netal shouted to her.

"She's a little orphan! She is everywhere we went mommy!" Bazine protest her about Rey.

"Well, she was just raising by her grandfather and you're grounded missy! We're going home!" Mrs. Netal said angrily to Bazine who already had tears from her face.

"I'm sorry about that, she was just like that." Mrs. Netal said to Ben and Rey as Ben helps Rey to stand up and Mrs. Netal grabbed Bazine's hand as they went back home.

"Ben honey!" Ben hears his mother Leia shouted as she and Han come to them. Leia look shock at Rey who had a mark on her face and her hair was messy due to Bazine pulled her hair and untied her buns.

"You okay?" Leia asked Rey and she shook her head as Rey began to cry. Leia sooth the little girl and began to comforting her.

"What happened to you two?" Han asked Ben.

"I met Rey here, she was an orphaned, her parents died when she was small, and Bazine pulled her hair and slapped her face." Ben explained to his dad.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry for her." Han said and they began go back for the picnic.

Leia started to put an ice pack on Rey's cheek.

"Ow!" Rey cried.

"Not to worry my dear, it will be healed soon." Leia said to her and began to brush her hair while Rey hold an ice pack on her cheek, and Leia tied her hair with three buns.

As soon as the picnic was finished...

Han, Leia, Ben and Rey drove to her house where they dropped her to her house where her grandfather came and hugged her. He was a good friend of Han and Leia and thanked them for taking Rey home.

Han, Leia and Ben began droving back home.

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