Whose side am I on

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"The Cure was never meant for you."- he said - " I was going to use it on Klaus-" 

When she thought that there could not be any surprises, he threw this revelation at her. 

Elijah continued -" Prior to my meeting with Katerina, the witch came to me and disclosed the importance of why you should be given the Cure and all the implications if it wasn't done- and I had heard of the prophecy, as you know, being maker of a prophecy, I needed to follow what was going on in the witches world, as my brother is always their target, witches are corrupt like anyone can be, so I used them to my advantage too, but you know all that. " 

"By giving Klaus the Cure it meant that finally you could stop him, Katherine would be free- "- she now said sighing a bit. 

"Yes"- he said- "that was my original plan." 

"And the witch changed all that?!-"- she still couldn't grasp that a witch could sway him so easily. 

"Alicia bears a mark of an Original Witch Elder- she is a witch teacher. My mother spoke of them. There were four of them. You know, she would have gotten the Cure I guess from me or from Katerina or even your friends, one way or the other. I assisted her to make sure you were all right. I have always wished happiness for you and have some kind of normal life."- he stressed the latter- " but whoever gets involved in our world, the world of magic, rarely finds happiness. Your parents tried to keep you away from it all. " 

"But they couldn't!"-Elena said with resignation in her voice- "so... you are saying that I never really had a choice?!" 

"There is always a choice- you either take it, stand up and fight or falter and retreat. You have learned by now that our world is also so very cruel. For every action there is reaction. Cause... consequences. And there is always a price to pay. You showed great courage and conviction, such sincere boldness , which your share with your predecessors. But unlike them, you have a pure heart...and that is extremely rare." 

"All of this is about fate!-"- Elena uttered with a sigh. 

"You were born a doppelganger- into the Gilbert family carrying the hunter's gene. The Elder Original witches would stop at nothing when the balance of nature is in jeopardy. Those, like the Dark witches, will face consequences. You know what my mother tried to do to make things right. They won't be stopped." 

Elena clearly remembered the night at the ball and Esther. Her looked swayed into the night- she was weary all of a sudden- the hunter in her craved to go and look for the creatures of the night. He noticed her unusual change in her eyes like a cat hearing prey close by. 

"Elena-"- he said to focus her attention onto him. 

She turned to him- and then said- 

"I feel strange.. I have to go-" - and she got up and started walking out of the garden as if something animalistic in her took over, something she could not control. Immediately, he got up and ran after her, to stop her, catching up with her in the street. He grabbed her but she ripped her arm out of his hand easily. Then she stopped still. The same as the need to go off into the night to hunt,so it seized again. 

"I am sorry"- she said-" it's like something just came over me. I felt this today at the beach- 

"I guess your hunter features are still not completely transitioned"- he said gently now taking her by the arm suggesting that she should go back to the house and have a rest. 

She agreed and they walked back to the house. 

"You can choose any room you wish"- he said as they got in. 

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