The ghouls come out to play

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Caroline waited for Matt to finish his shift nervously tapping on the table looking around the Grill. 

"I'm done!"-Matt said joining her-"you don't look happy..." 

"Happy?! Matt, are you serious!? The Prom was the worst since this school was founded, we were supposed to have the greatest time ever when we get to our senior year. 

"You are in the wrong town, Caroline. I still don't get how you don't wish to see things for what they are." 

"I see them, but I cannot just take it!"- she said honestly. 

"What are you going to do?- i am surprised you didn't leave yourself." 

"I love this place, here are my friends." 

"What friends?! Elena and Tyler are gone, Bonnie is not even interested in anything, except magic. Even the Mikaelsons are gone-" 

"I know. Bonnie is just...too much. She didn't even want to open the door last night...we have to do something." 

"We?"-Matt said astonished. 


Breaking off from the kiss both Elena and Elijah stood in silence for a moment enveloped by the darkness.  

"My darling-" - he uttered softly, pulling her gently into another kiss. They would forever take this night with them holding those kisses as pieces of something extraordinarily precious.

With the dawn breaking they ventured back to the house. Alicia was already up and waited for them in the kitchen, where she had already prepared the breakfast for them. Her face was not a bearer of good news, so without any delay she informed them of it. 

"Zoe sent a message regarding Bonnie. She is not responding to her and all her attempts to stop her from immersing herself completely in Expression is failing. Silas is getting to her. And you are not nearly as ready to face him!" 

"I'm ready!"- Elena said reassuringly-" you do what you have to get Bonnie away from him. She is stubborn... sometimes" 

Alicia wasn't happy about the decision she had to make, but desperate times call for desperate measures. She then passed a paper with a message for Elijah. Elijah took it and unfolded it 

"Sophie Deveraux"- he uttered. 

"She has been looking for you- apparently she has a private matter to discuss!" 

Elena now looked at Elijah hoping he would fill them in. 

"What has my brother done now?!"- he said simply. 

"After breakfast we need to make our way to the Falls"-Alicia said to both of them. 

Elena took some fruit and asked him if they could speak in the living room. 

"I guess you have to follow through whatever is going on with Klaus. I have to go to the Falls. " 

"I need to...yes... I hate to leave you..." 

"We will have time to ourselves, I promise you that!"- she said. She kissed him now to seal that promise and then walked out of the room.  

Alicia and Elena made their way to the Falls, and Elijah to his meeting in New Orleans. 


In the Falls, Zoe tried to talk Bonnie into letting her into the house. Bonnie used Expression to stop her in her tracks. Expression was too much for Zoe, so she opted for some friendly help as she called Caroline and Matt for reinforcements. As they arrived, she instructed them what to do. 

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