You're Not Alone You're With Me

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*Vic's POV*

I was making myself a sandwich for dinner when I heard my phone ring. Ah, fuck off people, I wanna eat! I dropped the knife and went over to where my phone was ringing. I found it lying on my couch and smiled when I saw the caller's ID. Kellin. I immediatelly picked it up and spoke up. "Hello?" I asked but all I heard was sobbing. What the hell?

"Kellin? Are you there?" I questioned him.

"Y-yeah." He choked out.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"I-he cheated, Vic, Oli cheated on me." He cried even harder when he said that. "Could, um, could you possibly pick me up at the airport? I'll catch the earlier flight."

I didn't even hesitate and said, "Of course, I'll be there."

"Thank y-you, I-I should be there around 10:30." He said quietly and then hung up.

Poor thing. I can't believe that Oli had cheated on him. That little fucker, I'm gonna murder him. How could anyone cheat on someone so fragile like Kellin? Seriously, what has gotten into Oli? He always seemed so nice and stuff but now? What was he even thinking?

I finished my sandwich, went to my living room and turned on the TV. I was eating while watching some shitty show, I didn't really pay attention to it, my thoughts were on Kellin. I mean, he was alone in fucking LA, with broken heart and crying. Someone could as well easily drug him and god knows what else. He could as well end up killed and stuffed into a trash can for all I know. Okay, maybe I was overreacting but I was just worried about him 'cause that's what friends do, right? They worry about each other, don't they? All this thinking just made me tired and I soon drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with a groan. I checked the time. 10:21. Fuck! I have to pick Kellin at the airport in like nine minutes, there's no way I can make it there on time.

"Fucking hell." I muttered to myself and got up immediatelly. I grabbed my keys, phone and put on my shoes, then I rushed out of my flat, running towards my car.

I made it there at 10:44 and Kellin was already sitting outside of the building. I pulled over in front of him. He looked up and I could see his tear-stained cheeks. He then stood up, opened the car door and got in.

"Hi, I'm so sorry that you had to wait so long, I kinda fell asleep." I admitted truthfully as I started driving towards Kellin's place.

"It's alright." He said sadly, staring down at his shoes.

It was quite quiet ride, I tried to speak to him but he either didn't answer me at all or gave me just an one-word answer. We finally stopped in front of his building.

"Thanks for driving me." He said and was about to get out of my car but I grabbed him by wrist and kept him in his place.

"Um, Kellin wait." I said. "Are you alright? I mean, I can go with you and take care of you or something." I assured him.

"Thanks, but I'm alright, Vic." He said and got out of the car, walking away.


*Kellin's POV*

I wanted to look tough in front of Vic but at the moment I stepped into my flat, I lost it. I started crying again as the images from earlier flashed through my head. It made me feel sick so I ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. When I was done, I collapsed to the bathroom floor and just lay there.

Why the hell wasn't I good enough for him? I mean, I know I'm ugly, fat, worthless and stuff but I thought he loved me. Pff, who am I kidding here? He probably just felt bad for me so he pretended that he liked me. He most likely even hates me but I'm not surprised at all, I hate myself too...

With that I remembered one thing. That one thing lying deep down in my drawer, under all of my clothes. I quickly rushed into my room and searched for it. When I said that I threw all of my razors away, I wasn't completely saying the truth because I totally forgot about the one in my phone case and decided to keep it, just in case. When I finally found it I sat on the floor and rolled up my sleeves. All of my old scars had already faded away since I haven't cut myself for maybe ten months or so. I stared at the razor for a while just questioning if I should do that. I eventually thought 'why the hell not, I deserve it anyway' and pressed the silver blade against my skin.

One cut for being the fugly idiot I am. One for not being good enough. One for Oli, who had to suffer for being with me...I kept cutting more and more until there was like 20 cuts on both of my arms. Some of them were deeper than the other ones. I was about to cut again when I heard a familiar voice call my name. How the hell did he get in? Oh, right, my spare key, I was such an idiot to think that he would leave.

"Kellin! Where are you?!" Vic yelled and soon enough he appeared at my bedroom door with a worried expression on his face. He then looked down at my arms and covered his mouth in shock. He immediatelly jumped closer to me and kneeled down. "Kellin, why the hell would you do this?" He asked.

I felt the tears build up in my eyes again as I spoke, "I-I'm worthless, Vic. I didn't even deserve Oli and now he's gone, he realised what kind of disgusting human being I am and now he's gone." I cried loudly.

"Shh." He said me and pulled me into a hug. I didn't hug him back because I was to afraid to ruin his shirt with my blood but I buried my face in the crook of his neck. I inhaled his scent, he smelled still the same which made me smile a little.

He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "Kellin, listen to me, you're not worthless and you still have people that care about you. Oli was a prick and you deserve someone better, trust me." He told me with a small smile and I nodded.

"Alright, let's get you all cleaned up now." He said and stood up and lifted me up with no problem and carried me into my bathroom. There he put me down and I sat on the floor again. He started looking for something and then sat down next to me and began cleaning my arms. When everything was clean, he bandaged them and ran his thumb over the bandage softly. It made me smile a little and he smiled too. We just stared at each other for a while but Vic eventually got up to help me get back to my room. I lay down on my bed and he put the sheets over me.

"Bye Kells." He said but I stopped him.

"Vic wait!" I said.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Um, stay with me? Please, I need a friend right now." I said and looked at him. He seemed hesitant at first but eventually gave in.

"Alright." He said and took off his shoes. "Move your ass." He said as he got on my bed, making me laugh a little. I moved a little so he could get under the sheets too.

I could tell that he didn't know what to do so I chuckled and whispered softly, "It's alright, you can spoon me." I assured him.

He chuckled as well. "Okay." He said and wrapped an arm around my torso, moving closer to me. His body was so warm. I cuddled even closer to him and his embrace tightened a little.

"Goodnight, Kells." He said and kissed the back of my head softly. It kind of reminded me of the times when we were together. Good times, good times.

I smiled at that even though he couldn't see me and said, "Goodnight, Vic and thank you."

"For you everything." He said in his sleepy voice and cuddled closer. Soon enough I could feel his hot, steady breath on my neck and realised that he had already fallen asleep. I smiled to myself and fell asleep as well.


I feel the Kellic coming back :D love you guys, keep reading :)

Song credit: You're Not Alone - Of Mice & Men

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