I Saw It Coming When You Threw The First Punch

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*Kellin's POV*

"Who was that?" Vic asked as I sat on the couch.

"No one." I answered coldly. But just as I said that I heard another knock on the door. I decided to ignore it. Oli didn't knock after that so I thought he gave up. I was, of course, dead wrong 'cause the next thing I know is a sound of key sliding into the key hole and opening door. Fuck! I knew I shouldn't have kept the key under the carpet, damn it.

"Oh." Oli said as he walked in and closed the door behind him. I turned my head to his direction just to see him watching us. "I should have thought that you will get back together with him." He commented arrogantly with a roll of his eyes.

"Well, it's none of your business. Now please get out of my apartment, I told you I never want to see you again." I told him somehow calmly.

"Can we please talk somewhere else?" He asked. I looked at Vic and he just shrugged his shoulders.

I sighed and got up. "Fine, let's go." I told Oli and he followed me into my bedroom. I motioned for him to sit on my bed as I stood at the door with my arms crossed over my chest. "Well?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm sorry you saw that. It was nothing I swear. I was just feeling lonely and you were all the way in New York. I just...ugh, I'm just so sorry, Kellin. Baby, please let me make it up to you, then we can pretend that it never happened and start all over." He said. What the hell is he thinking? He cheated on me and he's here, begging me to get back together with him?

"Okay, I forgive you for what you did, even though it hurt me as hell." I said and he smiled at me. "But, I'm not getting back together with you."

"Wha-why? I told you, it meant nothing. Please honey, I want you back." He said and I could see his eyes watering.

"I'm sorry Oli but I won't get back together with you. I love Vic and I always will." I told him truthfully.

He stood up and walked over to me. Now he didn't look sad or hurt, he looked down-straight angry. "Oh so now you love him? Remind me please, was he there for you last year? Was he there when you cut your arm so deep you almost killed yourself, huh? Was he there when you broke into million pieces? Was he there to pick them up, Kellin? Was he? No! He fucking wasn't, I was. I love you Kellin, can't you see that?" I really didn't want to hurt him like that but he's the one who cheated and I'm not going to be with him.

"No he wasn't, I know that but he is here now and I love him more than anything. So now if that's all you had to tell me, you can fuck off and leave. Bye!" I yelled at him and he stormed out of the room. I sighed in relief and sat on my bed but then I heard some yelling and something colliding with the floor.

"Shit." I silently cursed to myself and rushed into the living room. Sure as hell, there was Oli on top of Vic, throwing punches.

"I'll fucking kill you." He shouted, still punching the shorter boy. Vic was trying to fight back but Oli was stronger. I ran closer to them and punched Oli in his jaw. He fell back, slightly touching where I hit him.

"I told you to fucking leave!" I shouted at him. He just glared at me before he got up and walked out of the front door. I sighed and rushed over to Vic. He was still lying on the floor with blood pouring from his nose and lip, with a quickly forming bruise on his left eye. "Aw, I'm so sorry." I told him and helped him get up. I walked him over to the couch and he lay down on it. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, it should have been me, I-" he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine.

"It's alright, really, don't blame yourself for that." He said and kissed me once more. I pulled away and smiled at him. I swear he's the sweetest thing ever, even with the blood pouring from several places on his face. I got up and walked over to the bathroom to get some paper towels and let them soak with water before walking back to Vic. I quickly cleaned him up and pulled away to look at him. He was smiling at me as I placed kisses on all of his injuries.

"I...love...you." I said between the kisses.

His smile got even wider. "Come here." He said and I crawled on the couch, laying my head on his chest. He put his arm around me and softly rubbed my back up and down. "I love you too." He said and I looked up at him. He smiled and leaned closer, colliding his lips with mine. We then pulled away, grinning like idiots. I then turned attention to the TV which was still playing and soon enough fell asleep.


It was Thursday and it's been two weeks since that incident with Oli, I haven't seen him since that day so I guess he flew back to LA which is good.

Me and Vic were doing good. I mean, I wasn't completely sure if we were back together since neither of us asked the other one, yet but I didn't exactly mind it.

Anyway I was at work today and Erin was working too. We were good now, she apologised for kissing me, she said she must have gotten some wrong signals from me. I told her that it was alright and finally told her that I was gay which she was okay with since her brother was gay too.

I was doing something in the back when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, I'm looking for Kellin, is he-" Vic said but cut himself off when I walked to the front. He smiled. "Never mind, found him." He smiled at Erin who was standing at the counter. I told her I'll take the counter and that she can take a break. I walked over to the counter and pecked my...how do I call him? Boyfriend? Ex-boyfriend? Ex-probably-current-boyfriend? Yeah that's the one. I pecked my ex-probably-current-boyfriend on the lips and he smiled sweetly at me.

"So tell me, Victor, what can I get you in these early hours?" I smiled at him. Okay it wasn't that early, probably like 9:30. Whatever.

He rolled his eyes. "I told you not to call me Victor, damn it. And I actually came here because I wanted to see you." He smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed him once again.

After that we talked for maybe ten minutes when a customer came in. I took his order and got into work. I then took it over to his table and went back to Vic who was smirking at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing, you're just really hot when you're working." He said.

"Am I?" I smirked at him.

"Hmm." He mumbled and leaned closer to me, pressing his lips to mine one more time.

"Alright, as much as I love kissing you, I'm still at work." I told him when I pulled away.

"Fine, I'm gonna go." He said and pecked my lips again before he turned around to leave but then he turned back to me. "I almost forgot, tomorrow, we're going on a date." He told me. I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright and where are we going?" I asked.

"That's a secret." He told me with a devilish smirk and walked out of the coffeeshop. Asshole. I shook my head at him and got back to work.


Hey guys, this chapter is a bit shorter, whatever...anyway, I love you all and keep reading :)

Song credit: The First Punch - Pierce the Veil

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