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Round and round,
Up and down,
All around,
Head spinning.

All your fears,
All your worries,
All kept tight.

Crack! Snap! Pop!

Eyes wide open,
Try not to get struck,
Running away from your fears.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

Screaming but no one hears a sound,
Drowning but no one saves you,
Hung but no one cuts the rope,
Burning but no one puts out the fire,
Dying but no one saves your life.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

Tears streaming down your face,
But they're not real tears,
But they are,
They are how you feel.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

Are you okay?
I'm fine, you say,
And they believe you,
But things aren't always the way they seem.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

Aren't you grateful?, one asks,
Yes, you say,
But there are things I'm not so grateful about.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

Silent but so loud,
Deadly but doesn't make a sound,
Sweet on the outside,
But broken inside.

No one sees,
No one knows ,
No one cares,

If they cared they would know,
If they knew they would go,
If they saw they would not show that they know.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

You smile but it's not real.
It's just a brave facade you've put on so no one sees you any less than you already are.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

You help others,
You care for others,
Try to stay strong for them.
But the key word is try,
Because when you get home you curl up in your bed with a good book that will take you far far away from your nightmare,
From the truth.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

At night you toss and turn with worry,
You struggle to sleep,
But they think your partying,
They don't believe you.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

So bored with nothing to do,
No purpose but to stay strong and happy for family and friends.

No one sees,
No one knows,
No one cares,

Lots of unshed tears,
You try to cry to let out all the emotions,
But you struggle even with that.
The tears don't come,
So they stay locked up inside,
Someone's chained up your emotions,
Locked it tight,
Wrapped it so tight that it's strangling you so you can't breathe,
You cough and sputter,
But it doesn't matter,
Because they can't see,
They don't know,
And they don't care.

Reality Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ