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All alone in this world,
You can escape,
If you want to.

Just pick up the pill bottle,
Take a few,
You'll feel better.

Or maybe you prefer a blade,
Cut a little,
It'll remind you your alive.

Try the alcohol,
Drink up,
You'll fly away to a better world.

Just take a drag,
You'll feel relaxed.

Don't eat,
Starve yourself,
It will make you skinny.

Put on some makeup,
Don't put too much,
Then you'll be pretty.

Wear some actual clothes,
Pick the hottest brands,
Then you'll have some style.

Study real hard,
Then you'll be smart.

Get some friends,
Choose wisely,
Then you'll be popular.

Now look at you,
You've escaped,
Your in a whole other world with a whole different you,
A better you,
But you aren't you at all anymore,
Are you?

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