Would you care

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Would you care if I cut my hair?
One side would be short,
The other side shorter,
Would you care if I cut my hair?

Would you care if I dyed my hair?
It would be black as night,
Only difference is no stars,
Would you care if I dyed my hair?

Would you care if I painted my nails?
They would be pure black,
Shiny too,
Would you care if I painted my nails?

Would you care if I got new glasses?
They would either be big or small,
Black or some other color,
Would you care if I got new glasses?

Would you care if I put on eyeshadow?
It would be a natural color,
It's gotta blend in,
Would you care if I put on eyeshadow?

Would you care if I put on eyeliner?
It would be dark and thin,
I'd wing it real high,
Would you care if I put on eyeliner?

Would you care if I put on lipstick?
It'd be a pretty popping red,
I won't use much,
Would you care if I put on lipstick?

Would you care if I changed my style?
I'd wear black clothes,
And not care for once in a while,
Would you care if I changed my style?

Would you care if I changed my talk?
I'd be more bitchy,
Have that care free attitude,
Would you care if I changed my talk?

All these things,
Would change me completely,
Some I want,
Others no.

But the point is,
If I changed,
Would you still like me for me,
I know who would care.

But one simple question to you,
Would you care?

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