Chapter 2: The Return to the Royal Court of Oceania

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sorry guys that I haven't updated in a long while, I have just been so busy. But anyways happy new year!
Trey runs up the palace stairs at a very fast pace, awfully in a rush.
"Xavier." Trey calls him as he reaches the top of the stairs breathlessly.
"Trey. We've been looking for you everywhere. Tough to find you." Xavier questions with a slight smirk on his tan face.
"I was riding." Trey rolls his eyes playfully while Xavier helps him with his collar and also tucks in his undershirt.
"Really? Who?" Xavier answers sarcastically while Trey chuckles at his smart remark and continues to prepare himself.
"So Xav, how's life treating our dysfunctional family. In other words, how's the mood looking?" Trey zips his boots and tucks in his trousers.
"Father's or the mood in general. Well both seem equal. Planning for your sister's coronation of Xander's realm." Xavier fills him in with all they've been talking about.
"Is their Mother in there? Xander's mother?" Trey asks after buttoning his cuffs.
"No, only royals of the court and their assistants allowed. But your mother is in fine form, Chaos save you man, cause i'm ditching now that you're here." Xavier runs down the stairs chuckling.
"She's your mother too! Lucky idiot." Trey sighs and enters the room. The Royals of Oceania are talking whilst filling Alison in her coronation dress with the stylists making alterations.
"Tatiana's arrival upstages our daughter's coronation." Queen Alexandra complains.
"Well, it's the perfect occasion to showcase the true alliance with the Rose Kingdom." King Jared explains. "Half of the realms would want to align with us and willingly choose Tatiana and Trey as their leaders."

"Well you are aware of the saying Jared. Too many alliances make a king look weak." Queen Alexandra helps the King with his fitting.
"Then why did we agree for our daughter to marry Prince Xander of Valencia." King Jared questioned and rose his eyebrows. Trey waves at Alison while she's being fitted, she smiles warmly at him. Trey bows to his mum and dad whilst they continue to talk, not noticing their son.
"I was told I was needed." Trey interrupts. His Dad acknowledges his presence and stares at his stylist while still fitting.
"Or should I just come back on my coronation? You've chosen my Queen; have you set the date too?" Trey speaks with sarcasm dripping from his mouth. King Jared answers sternly.

"Here's the date: when I say so." He looks at his heir. Trey.
"Or it will bring a lot of uprising in our direction.She will be at the meeting." Jared continues.
"My fiancée, Tatiana has a name y'know?" Trey rolls his eyes.
"Future kings don't answer other future kings with such abbreviated and informal speech." The King shakes his head in annoyance. "You don't sound as enthusiastic to someone who proposed to the love of their life yesterday."
"It's not like I had a choice, I wanted to marry her when we were more older. And she had skinny legs, rough, short hair quills, a missing front tooth with an oversized hammer and very honest opinions 12 years ago. Plus she was annoying. But I can't believe she's mine now, I just never expected it this early I suppose." Trey widens his eyes in remembrance of how she looked like.

"I am sure her tooth grew back. The opinions, if she still makes them, you can easily ignore. Is that not right, Alexandra?" King Jared smiles at his Queen due to their little inside joke.
"Three others of her ladies-in-waiting, modernly known as lady royals are on their way soon once they hear about the royal engagement. Two obtain titles as royals and the other ridiculously rich like no one's business. Crystal summoned them yesterday, they are settling in court" She blabbers onto Trey.

"At least your bride has another nation and army when you need it." King Jared walks away with his nobles.

"I may not have been born with a crown, but this realm, this country relies on my money." Queen Alexandra scoffs. "Let him talk like a king." Trey chuckles and looks at the floor trying to stuff his chuckles. "Your wedding and coronation won't happen until I say so. I'm on your side. Always"— The Queen caresses Trey's cheek genuinely.

"And forever. I know." Trey answers as she walks away.

Later outside in the courtyard
Trumpets are playing fanfare tune to declare the arrival of the Royal Family of the Rose Kingdom. All servants and maids rush outside in ecstasy and stand beside on the pathway as her carriage approaches with white and black houses leading. Trey, Xavier, Crystal, Sally, Sophia, Melanie, Amethyst and Cosmo rush outside as well. Xavier smirks at Trey.

The King and Queen of Oceania walk outside, everyone stands on the side creating a pathway for the royals to walk through. Tatiana's parents, King Alex and Queen Rosetta come out of their white, black and gold carriage with their realm's flag blowing in the wind. Tatiana is led out of the carriage by a guard as he holds her hand to help her out with her long, elegant, baby blue gown. Tatiana gives her mum a wistful look as if asking to go greet her friends. Her mother gives her a certain nod and smile, she takes the King's arm as he leads her across the marble-paved path. Each line of people around bow as they walk past, they stand awaiting the Oceanian Royal Family.

"There's Teë!" Amethyst smiles brightly as they all approach their friend in their beautiful dresses. Teë (Tatiana) returns the smile and runs toward them. They stop, all the girls curtesy including Sally to Teë. Teë holds out her arms as they run into them and all join in the group hug laughing heartedly.

"We missed you so much!" Melanie exclaims excitedly.
"Oh girls! I'm so happy to see you. We're all together and united again." Teë answers happily and giggles. Teë looks toward the other end of the marble path. No one has arrived yet.

"Teë, your hair. Didn't the regents teach you anything?" Sophia fixes Teë's hair properly. The guards bring their suitcases with Sophia's clothes.
"Oh Soph, these can't all be clothes?" Teë asks and looks at her.
"There's jewellery with jewels and gold. Since I don't exactly have a title like all of you, so the more gold the better." Sophia winks and fixes Teë's tiara which is embedded with rubies in a shape of a rose.

The trumpet plays another fanfare tune as the King walks down the path with his Queen Alexandria. They stop at one end.
"His Royal Highness, King Jared II." The Guard announces and shouts to the crowd.

"So how's your love life?" Melanie asks Cosmo sarcastically.
"Oh, don't tell me. It's Stephen isn't it?" Melanie snickers.
"He said he'd wait for me." Cosmo answers back.
"Till when? We might never be back in Adamas grounds, not if it all works out and Teë reigns in Oceania as well as the RK." Melanie breathes in the fresh air.
"What do you mean, 'if'?" Sally asks defensively.
"Don't get carried away, we're here to make sure Teë married Trey. Alliances can shift. So Teë has to make sure his heart is fully captured by her." Melanie protests. Teë rolls her eyes in response to Mel's statements.
"She does have it 'captured'." Amethyst jumps into the conversation.
"But is it under lock and key?" Melanie counters back to Amethyst.

"Her Majesty, Queen Alexandria!" The Guard proclaims as the fanfare trumpet tune is played once again, everyone bows again.

Trey comes dressed in black leather pants, black boots, red and black leather jacket with his quills down and spiked. He walks along the grass, not on the path with his family. He approaches Tatiana and looks at her, he smiles at her happily and bows whilst the others curtsey toward Trey. Teë's smile grows in size as she sees Trey and remembers the other day in Aquatia when he proposed. Teë curtseys to him too. She giggles at his boots.

"I don't believe it. Prince Trey wearing royal boots and not the full attire." Teë giggles at his bad boy like appearance.

Trey whispers after announcing "Your Grace!" with a tone of sarcasm. "I told my mum and dad, it was either the blazer and jeans with my signature red rubber shoes, or all black with the royal boots and leather pants." Trey told her as they walk down the path toward their families side by side. Her white cape flowing in the wind, and Trey secretly takes her hand in his black clothed palm, red covers his cheeks but is replaced with a smirk, it is as if the reactions were now reversed. She starts to blush intensely. Everyone bows for Trey and Teë. The others follow behind quietly. Teë curtseys to the King and Queen of Oceania.

"Now my heir and heiress to the Magic System's throne. Let's proceed to the banquet meeting room." King Jared tells Teë and Trey as they follow him inside.

End of Chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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