Chapter Four

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Hey I know it's been awhile, that's why I am uploading two chapters today!! Woo!


Chapter Four

The carnival was more that what Lila had ever dreamed of. There was so much food to choose from, children running around in every direction, rides, and games that she could play. She looked around in awe. She’s never seen so many happy people in one place before.

“Have you ever been to a carnival?” Sam asked Lila when he noticed how she was looking around. It was like she was drinking it all in. Her face was filled with amazement her eyes had never looked happier. Lila shook her head at Sam.

“What? Not even a school carnival?” Sam asked, surprised. Lila shook her head again, “I’ve always been homeschooled.”

Sam slowly nodded his head, processing her answer. He doesn’t know why he’s so surprised. From what Lila has told Sam so far, she’s had such an isolated life. She sounds like she’s always alone. Whenever Sam tries to ask about her home life, Lila always finds a way to change the subject.

“There’s so much to do here!” Lila looks up at Sam with a huge grin and Sam can’t help but return the gesture back.

“Well, we need to go on rides. It’s a must! Let’s go on the merry go round first, yeah?” Sam tugs her towards the colorful merry go round.

“Merry go round?” Lila’s eyes find the painted horses and she gasps and smiles.

Please tell me that you’ve been on one of these things.” Sam looks down at Lila and is even more surprised than before when she shakes her head no.

“God, Lila. What was your childhood even like?” Sam wonders aloud.

Lila simply shrugs before the man opens the gate to let them on the ride. He eyes the two, probably thinking that they’re too old to be going on this ride, but Sam does not care. He wants to give Lila her adventure.

Once they’ve been on just about every ride they could go on, Sam gets Lila to agree to try some of the greasy carnival food. Sam watches as Lila take her first bite of an elephant ear. Lila closes her eyes and lets the warm dough and white powder melt in her mouth. When she opens her eyes, she meets Sam’s and gasps, “that was the best thing I have ever eaten in my life.”

Sam laughs at her reaction, “I’ve told you you’ve been missing out!”

They finish the food together as they wonder, looking at all the prizes you could win if you attempt any of the games.

“I see an elephant!” Lila gasps and she pauses in front of the game. Sam glances at the elephant hanging and reads a sign that has been taped onto its stomach.

30 darts for this prize.

Sam hands Lila the bag of cotton candy and strides over to the booth.

“I’d like to try and get that elephant.” Sam points to the elephant. The girl running the booth pops her gum and looks at Sam with a vacant expression.

“Thirty darts for that prize.”

Sam resists the urge to roll his eyes; obviously it’s thirty darts.

“That’ll be fifteen dollars to get thirty darts.” The girl who pops her gum says with a dull voice.

Lila grabbed Sam’s elbow as he reached for his wallet, “you don’t have to get the elephant.” She whispers, glancing at the girl.

“I am going to win you that damn elephant.” Sam says with confidence. Lila rolls her eyes at Sam’s moment of cockiness, but steps back, letting him have his little moment.

Sam paid for the thirty darts and prepared himself. He stared at the lines of rainbow balloons before picking a dart up. He aimed, and threw.

“Aw come on! I got twenty-nine of them! Isn’t that close enough!” Sam asked the booth girl, frustrated.

“You can buy one more dart for a dollar.” She drawled, and Lila snickered behind Sam.

“Shut up.” Sam mumbled towards Lila and Lila tried her best to regain her composer. She had finished what was left of the sticky, sweet, pink cotton candy watching Sam try to win her a simple elephant that she necessarily didn’t need. However, after watching Sam try to win it for her, Lila decided that she did in fact want it if he managed to win it for her.

“I could bring it back with me to the hospital.” Lila thought to herself, but quickly shook her head. She had made a vow that whenever she was with Sam, she wouldn’t think about that place. Ever.

Because Lila was deep in thought, she almost didn’t notice the elephant dancing in front of her. Sam was humming a stupid song, with a stupid smile on his face.

“You got it!” Lila snatched the plushy from Sam and hugged it close to her chest. She looked down at the animal before looking at Sam, who had a proud grin on his face. He had to pay three extra dollars to win that toy for her, but once he had his mind set on it, there was no way that he was going to give up.

“I don’t know how to thank you.” Lila smiled warmly at Sam.

“A kiss would do,” Sam thought greedily. Instead of speaking his mind, Sam shook his head.

“The fact that you are willing to be seen in public with a crazy like me is more than enough.”

Lila laughed at the fact that Sam called himself crazy and without wanting to, Sam laughed along with the brown haired beauty walking next to him.

“We have one more thing to do.” Sam stated and Lila looked up at him, confused.

“I thought we did everything.”

“Are you afraid of heights?” Sam asked her.

“Not that I know of…” Lila answered, a little nervous for what might be coming next.

“I can see everything from here!” Lila giggled when they stopped at the top. Sam admired Lila as she leaned slightly forward to get a better look of the beach.

“I can see the spot where we sit.” Lila pointed towards the spot of the beach where Sam first mustered up the courage to speak to Lila. It had just become their usual spot to meet up, or lounge if they were feeling especially lazy that day.

“So, you like the Ferris Wheel then?” Sam smirked at Lila, already knowing the answer. He glanced down at the stuffed animal he had spent eighteen dollars on that was placed between the two of them. Sam wished that there wasn’t’ any space between them, but he was almost certain that Lila only looked at Sam as a friend, and he didn’t want to push it.

“You’re so quiet.” Lila whispers, and Sam looks up from the elephant.

“What should we name him?” She leans a little closer to Sam.

“We?” Sam raises a eyebrow at her, confused as to why she wants him to help name him.

Lila nods with enthusiasm, “yeah! He’s our elephant! So we have to name him together! What do you think of Gus?” She picks up the grey elephant and hold him in front of her, looking at him with a cocked head. Sam snickers and nods his head, “Gus, Gus is good.” He looks down at their elephant. Ours, Sam thinks, a grin slowly creeping to his face.

“Gus the elephant!” Lila holds up Gus like Simba in the Lion King. The both of them burst into a fit of giggles and don’t stop until they’re off the ride, headed back to the beach.

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