Chapter Twelve

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HI there! This is the last chapter and I'm excited and sad at the same time....

Chapter Twelve

 “Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Sam. Sam, these are my parents.” Sam smiled politely at the man and women standing in front of him. Lila has told him so much about them, he can’t help but hate them. Lila gave Sam’s shoulder a little pinch and Sam jumped and held a hand out, “I’ve heard so much about you. Nice to meet you.”

Lila let out a low chuckle and Sam’s smile widened into a real one.

“We’ve heard so much about you as well. I’m so happy that Lila has actually found a boyfriend. And honestly, I’m surprised. It’s hard to find someone who will accept the hard-“

“Mom. Please. Let’s just have a nice meal.” Lila cut in and Sam nodded his head, “I think my girlfriend is right.” Sam agreed, emphasizing on the world girlfriend on purpose.

After dinner, Lila was giddy. “My parents loved you! I’m so glad that they approve. I mean, I was nervous. You’re no gentleman.”

Sam smirked, “oh, we’re playing that game, are we? Well, let’s go to my dorm and I can show you how much of a gentleman I can be.”

“Shut up! We’re in public, plus you’re going to make me barf. Trying to act all smooth, please.”

“Alright, you’re coming with me!” Sam laughed as he threw Lila over his shoulder causing her to squeal.

“Excuse me, Sam, honey. Are you ready?”

Sam shook his head away from the memory, and looked up at Lila’s mom who was teary-eyed. Sam cleared his throat, embarrassed about where his mind was about to go.

“Uh, yeah. I’m ready.” Sam stood up and adjusted his suit before going up to the podium.

The room was silent except for people blowing their noses and random sniffs.

Sam cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the lump that had suddenly appeared.

“Um, hi.” Sam looked at the room of people awkwardly.

“My name is Sam, and I am Lila’s boyfriend.” He tried to ignore the way he said “am” instead of “was”. He couldn’t do that.

“I met Lila at the beach. It’s where she belonged. Wind in her hair and the look of wonder in her eyes.” He turned and looked at the picture that the projector had flashed on the wall behind him. He heard a sob from Lila’s mom and cleared his throat again. He hadn’t told anyone that he had created a slide show of memories. It was Lila’s idea. He promised her that he would do it.

“She was the most beautiful girl I had laid eyes on. From the moment I saw her, I knew. I knew that she was meant for me. We met on the day that she found out that she probably wasn’t going to make it. I had no idea. I was just a boy who wanted to know a pretty girl’s name. She was sat on the beach on a gray day, crying, and I somehow managed to convince her to become my friend. And everyday after that, she opened up to me, and that made her even more beautiful than she already was, which I didn’t think was possible. She was always able to prove me wrong. She was always trying to have fun, get me to smile, get me to laugh. I had no clue what was going on in her life back at the hospital. That was a side that I didn’t know about until about three months ago. She sat me down at our spot, the spot where we met, where we had picnics, where we laughed and ate cookies. That’s the spot she told me that she wasn’t as blessed as everyone else here. She wasn’t as healthy as she needed to be. And she broke my heart. My heart shattered that day, not because she didn’t tell me, but because I had fallen so in love-“ Sam paused, looked back at the slide show and saw a picture that Lila had convinced Sam to take. A picture of the two of them at their spot. Sam wiped the tears away from his eyes and looked back at Lila’s family.

“I didn’t think I could ever fall in love the way I did. I thought it was impossible, but here Lila skips into my life, flips it upside down and yanks me around. I don’t know what she did, but I am utterly in love with her. She wouldn’t want any of us to be crying right now. There’s a reason why I’m not wearing black.” Sam mentioned to his dark blue suit.

“She hated the idea of all of us wearing black. She wants you all to be happy. The last thing she said to me was-“ Sam took a shaky breath in, the tears still streaming down his face.

“Don’t stop loving. That’s when you’re most beautiful. Go outside, breath in the air. Do all the things that I wish I could, and when you do them, think of me, but don’t be sad. I want you to live out your dreams and do everything that you’ve ever wanted.”

Sam let out a low sob and covered his mouth with his hand, before standing up straight and turning around to stare at the last picture of the slideshow.

Lila was wearing the outfit that she had worn on their first date, but this was the day that Lila took Sam to meet her parents for the first time. She was in his dorm and her cheeks were tinted pink and she looked utterly happy.

“You are my everything, Lila. You are my dream. I love you. Please, please, please…don’t leave me.”  



I know, I know it's pretty sad. But this is the way I thought it should end. And they did end up together so that's good, right? Yes. I know they don't have a forever, but they did get to have some time together. 

Thank you very much for reading it and I hope you enjoyed. Maybe even cried a little because honestly, I cried while wrting Sam's eulogy...

Love you guys

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