Because Of Me...

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[Pic of the Sara to the side] -->>

My eyes flutter open as the sunlight seeps into the room. Anna was no longer next to me and I wonder where she was off to this early morning. I quickly dress myself for the day and eagerly wanted to make pancakes. It was a little tradition so far here and it was one of the happiest ways to start my day. 

As I fix my ponytail while going down the stairs, I start to hear distant yelling. "Hello?" I yell out but my voice echoes throughout the house. No one was home... that's weird. Finally reach the bottom, I walk around the living room and kitchen in hopes that there was a note of some sort. 

My gaze lands on the front door when I hear a chilling voice from the outside. I stalk slowly towards the door and look through the peephole. My breath catches in my throat as I see a familiar man with a scar on his left cheek. His hair was tousled and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. Warning bells ring in my head when I see Hunter across from him. Darren, Louis, Nathan, Dylan, and Anna litter the front lawn. 

What were they doing? 

"Can you hear me Sara?!" The guy with the scar yells out and I freeze in place. He knows I'm here. "Because I can smell you!" He yells louder. 

My bod enters flight or fight mode and I slowly open the door. When my head pokes out, scar man smiles devilishly. He was the face of every kid's nightmares. Hunter turns to look at me and shoots me a glare. I instantly go towards him and he pulls me in to his side yet hides me from the view of scar man. 

"Ah, beautiful Sara. Do you remember me?" He raises an eyebrow and extends his hands. Full of his men stand behind him in a formation, ready to attack if need be. Why did he come to our land? Isn't that a little foolish? 

"Your face would be pretty hard to forget, considering you look like that," with the adrenaline pumping through me, I spit out an insult. "However, I have no recollection of you." I send daggers his way along with his men that surround him. 

"Maybe my name will ring a bell. Allow me to introduce your Alpha... Trey," He pauses before saying his name for dramatics and then bows. My mouth twists into a sneer as I look at him with disgust. This was the big bad Trey? Even his name sounded stupid. 

"She's not going anywhere Trey. I suggest you and your men fall back," Hunter roars at Trey, clearly agitated with his being here. Anger grows in my core as I combine it with the rage of Hunter. This was the man who killed my parents. If it weren't for him, we would've all been living together happily. But no. He had to destroy that for me. I wanted nothing more than to rip his head off. 

My blood boils as Hunter goes into a screaming match with him. Everyone was too focused on Trey and Hunter but I only had one goal in mind: kill Trey. My anger gets the best of me as I step away from Hunter and lunge at Trey. I shift mid air and manage to clamp my teeth onto Trey's arm, ripping it out from his body. 

Three of his men shift and tackle me off to the side, making sure to bite my neck in the process. I whimper in pain and slump on the ground. The one who bit me managed to paralyze me in mere seconds. 

"You fucking bitch!" Trey yells as I see him clutching his now torn arm. Take that, murderer. "You're fucking lucky I need you alive," Trey pants as the loss of blood was slowly getting to him. One of his members wraps gauze around his arm but everyone else stays clear, unsure of what to do. Hunter looks at me with pure worry that I'm worried he's frozen in place. 

Why do I have to be impulsive. If I just waited, I could've found the perfect time to rip his head off. However, seeing Trey was enough to make me lose control. Trey speaks up shortly after he was wrapped up, "But I can bring you an unlimited amount of pain." His smile was not normal and it didn't show any hint of kindness. He got off on people's pain. 

I could feel my wound slowly start to heal until Trey orders the same guy to bit me yet again. I how in pain, screaming in my head as the wound gets deeper. My heart beats wildly, trying to keep up with the wound but it was no use. A bite like should've killed me but knowing my abilities, it was the only thing keeping me alive. My breaths became short and jagged. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open. 

All of a sudden, wolves from Hunter's pack reveal themselves from the shadows and I hear the most chilling growl I have ever heard. It was Hunter who had initiated everyone to attack. The guy who bit me stays close by, making sure that no one could get to me. Everyone went against each other, blood spilling everywhere. I could feel the ground shake by the enormous wolves that pound on the ground as they all try to kill each other. Bodies were being thrown left and right when I see Dylan run over towards me. He saw the guy guarding me and immediately shifts mid air. 

Before he reaches us, the man bites me again before putting his focus on my brother. My wound worsens as my head frantically tries to make sense of what's going on. I scream a soundless scream as my body tries to heal the gushing wound. I'm no longer able to stay in my wolf form as I lay naked on the ground. 

Dylan manages to take out the man guarding me and tries to lick my wound. I just flinch in pain as he keeps an eye on me. I widen my eyes when I see a man approaching him from behind. My scream stops everyone as Dylan is bitten from behind his neck and thrown away from me. "No!!" I yell as I try to reach my arm out for him. The wolf that bit him stalks slowly over to him before taking his paw and giving him a good scratch at his chest. The blood pours out as he is shifted back into his human form. Tears well up in my eyes as my brother bleeds out. 

"Dylan," I strained to say. The blood from my neck slowly reaches my throat and I cough it out. My head feels light as I start to see black spots in my vision. 

The grey wolf stalks in front of me after causing my brother bleed but soon after, he is tackled down by someone else who I immediately realize as Anna. She gobbles his whole neck into her mouth and with one swift motion, she rips it off. Her menacing growl gives me goosebumps. I've never seen her this angry before. She instantly walks over to Dylan and tries to see if he was awake. 

Her howl shortly after reminds everyone of what was going on... Dylan was dying and Anna could feel everything. In one quick motion, Anna is being thrown by another person and she hits the tree hard causing her to shift back. With the last strength I have, I try to drag myself on the ground towards her. She cannot die. Dylan can't die. None of this was supposed to happen! 

I dig my nails into the ground, not caring about my wound or anything else. I had healing powers.. I can do something. I need to do something, anything. Tears fall down my cheeks but I ignore them. I had to get to Anna. 

I look up once more and saw the blood that flows down Anna's legs... Worry strikes my facial expressions while she lay unconscious. "Wake up!" I weakly yell. 

My body was weak and my vision was coming to an end. I couldn't stay awake even if I wanted to but I fought my best. It wasn't until I heard the sounds of running where I could no longer keep my eyes open. 

One last thought enters my mind as I succumb to the darkness..

This is all my fault. 


decided to leave ya guys hanging there (:

hope you guys like! might be a lil while till i update but idk . :D byyee