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Every day I see myself in the mirror

Every day I ask myself a same question

I would rather say a different question, of a same question

Every day I smell the same flower

Everyday same voices are heard by me

Every day I smile, I talk, I regret, I move on

Every day, I aim to improve myself

Every day I breathe

There is a difference between breathing and respiring

Breathing is life itself, what an irony for me

And respiring is the reason for breathing

The reason to live

I am breathing

Standing still, while storms and clouds, both overpass me

I am a fat piece of flesh,

And the world to me is the blood that is supplied to me

Blood that is impure and highly urinated

But because of it, I gain oxygen for living, for respiring

But why give credit to the blood; it's the heart that is pumping,

And controlling the blood flow

Is the heart, God?

Or what

Because without blood, and heart, I could not survive

Let's assemble

Muscle is me, and my job is just not to breathe, but to respire

And find all the hidden reasons for living

And answer my questions

Or just strengthen myself, so much, that the body can take full advantage of my strength

The blood is the world out there, giving you food, and supply to live

Also giving you hardships to suffer, for example, fat globule and urine,

But don't worry, time will heel everything

Life will take away these from you, or at least your lymphatic capillaries will

You need a partner, so that you contract and relax, depending on it

And if life gives you problems, like fat globules, you can sometimes use them to strengthen

And without heart, what you are

Believe me, in reality, if there is whole world but no god, there will be no voice of silence

You are okay, and you know it

Heart will supply your food to you

Brain, the god, will manage all

Believe me, all above written was incorrect,

Unlike heart, god is enough for you

You are a mastermind, the brain, blood, and heart is in you

The piece of god is in you

You just have to search that piece of god inside you

To become the Iqbal ka Shaheen

And then god will Himself ask you, about your consents, in matter of fate

Just find that piece within yourself

And to find that, listen to answers and ask questions, that's why

Every day I see myself in the mirror

Every day I ask myself a same question


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