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(Second Person Point Of View) 

It was midnight, it was cold, and it was the middle of winter. Everyone had someone to cuddle with except you. You scoffed to yourself, "I don't need anyone, I'm independent..I can run the world without even having to do anything.." You looked at your lonely reflection in the mirror.

You chuckled and went to fill a skinny but tall glass of champagne, you looked at yourself in the mirror, "Cheers!" You smiled and took a huge gulp, finishing the beverage in less than a second, you swallowed and breathed heavily. You set the glass down and walked away, your red lipstick stain still on the glass. 


You woke up early the next morning and took a shower. You brushed your teeth then your hair, you looked at your colorful variety of lipstick, "Why did I buy all of these when all I wear is red?" you asked aloud, there's no use asking in your head if you can just say it out loud and no one else will hear you anyways. 

You took the lipstick out and left it on your bathroom counter, you put on your blouse and pencil skirt, you looked at yourself in the mirror, shaking your head and putting on a pair of slacks. You then looked at the pants and shook your head, "Today's Friday..loosen up a bit." You ruffled your hair so it was a little bit more curly, you put on a pair of black skinny jeans- black so that they weren't obvious they were jeans. 

You smiled and loosened your shirt, but not that much, you walked back to the bathroom and looked at the lipstick, grabbing it and taking it's cap off. "And now for the final product~" You slowly applied the lipstick, you were a perfectionist. 

It was time to go, you were going to be late if you had breakfast so you just grabbed a smoothie you made last night and left. You sipped on (F/S) mixed with alcohol and parked your car, "A perfect way to start the day." You chuckled and had a piece of gum to get the alcohol off of your mouth. (F/S=Favorite Smoothie (Flavor)) (And relax! You only drank when you completely parked your car at the office- no drinking and driving kids! or adults..if you're into my trash literature..)

You got out of the car after applying yet another coat of lipstick on, you walked into the building, everyone got tense knowing if they got caught doing something other than working they'll be fired in a heartbeat. You winked at a few of your friends that were working for you- you could never fire them, even though in a technical sense you can, you just wouldn't. Work wouldn't be fun with out them! 


You went to your office and sat down, you looked at the employees outside talking about how great their spouse was, you got fed up and walked outside looking at them, "Your break was up 2 and a half minutes ago, if you want to continue being rich I suggest you continue working." You said looking at them. 

One of them shook a little, "G-Got it! Please don't fire me."

"Then don't give me a reason to." You walked back into your office and turned on the radio- nothing but love songs. You groaned, "Come on!" You turned it off and started clicking on your computer.

There was knocking at your door and you asked, "Who is it?"

"Angel." Your assistant called. 

Angel was the hottest assistant you ever had, he was your favorite one, he's a hard worker, knows how to fight, helps you fire employees, he's so perfect...but he's married and has a child on the way. 

"Come in!" You said, you were bored, just clicking away on the computer.

Angel walked in, there was a few people behind him, "There is a Mr. Stark looking for you. May he come in?" he asked.

"Yes. Send him up here." You said.

"He's already here." Tony smirked as he walked in.

You chuckled softly, "Long time no see, Stark." 

"Same to you." He chuckled and sat on the beautiful white couch by the white marble coffee table. 

"So what brings you to my office?" You asked.

"I have a proposition for you.." He began.


Word Count: 736  Words

A/N: I hope you enjoy ;) 


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