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(Second Person Point of View)


Angel walked in, there was a few people behind him, "There is a Mr. Stark looking for you. May he come in?" he asked.

"Yes. Send him up here." You said.

"He's already here." Tony smirked as he walked in.

You chuckled softly, "Long time no see, Stark."

"Same to you." He chuckled and sat on the beautiful white couch by the white marble coffee table.

"So what brings you to my office?" You asked.

"I have a proposition for you.." He began.


You looked at him, "Proposition? And what is it?"

He looked right at you, "I heard you had a particular set of skills, especially combat skills?" He poured himself a glass of champagne.

You walked up to him and limited how much he could drink, You nodded and sat across from him, crossing your legs in a professional manner, "Yes, I learned how to fight when I was around 9. Why?"

"I was thinking maybe you could jo--" You cut him off.

"I'm not going to become an Avenger." You shook your head.

"That's not what I was going to ask." Tony chuckled softly, "I can't bare the thought of you dying."

"Awe you have a sweet side~" You chuckled softly, "What do you want me to do?"

"Maybe we can work together, as some type of team. Just me and you dominating in the business world?" Tony asked.

"I typically work alone, and I typically say no...but for now this is a maybe." You smiled softly and held out your hand to shake his, "I have some work to do." You lied. "I'll contact you when I have the chance."

Tony sighed, he knew your answer was most likely going to be a no, he got up and straightened his suit anyways and shook your hand, smiling at you, Angel led him on the way out.

You sat down and started to type at your computer, doing some research, "Why does he want to work with me anyways?"

Angel walked back inside, you shut up not wanting him to know that you were talking to yourself, you looked at him, "You can go walk around the office, see if (F/N) needs any assistance. (F/N=Friend's Name)

Angel nodded, but before he left, he looked at you, "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

You chuckled softly and looked him in the eyes, not telling the truth, "Yea..yea I'm fine."

Angel was unsure, he pulled up a chair and sat by your desk, "You haven't been acting like your self after Josh..are you truly okay?"

You stayed quiet, "Please don't mention him.." You walked out of the office.

Angel quickly ran after you, "(Y/N)! I'm sorry! Ms. Banner come back.."

You sat by yourself in your personal work bathroom, you chuckled softly, "(Y/N) Banner..I haven't heard my own last name in forever.." You looked at the mirror that had your first name all over it. (Lmao what if your name was Banner..Banner Banner :3)

You sat on the counter and looked at the mirror-walls. You groaned and took your makeup off, you were going to see Stark. That bastard. ...That sexy bastard.


You made sure your appearance was casual since you weren't planning on coming back to work. You had (F/N) fill in for you, you were so thankful for her. (or him :3)

You got out of your sexy, black Tesla and shut the door gently. You walked inside, his workers knew who you were, you smirked softly as your sharp heels hit the floor. People quickly moved out of your way knowing in just one word and a valid explanation- they'd be out of here faster than the Flash could blink his eyes.

You went to the elevator, one of the workers helped you get to Tony's floor knowing you always had an assistant do something for you, you weren't lazy, you've just been working all your life to get the title you have now, it's time for you to be pampered than having to work under someone else.

You knocked on Tony's door and he got up to open it. He smiled as he saw you, "Hulk Jr.! You came!"

You chuckled, "Shush Tony."

"Hey you could smash me anytime." Tony smirked.

You cringed, "Gross Hulk references..plus where is my brother?" You asked.

"Being a doctor somewhere.." Tony truly didn't know.

"Thought he was your best friend you should know where he is..anyways that's not why I'm here. I came here to talk about the business idea you proposed earlier." You said while sitting down in his chair forcing him to sit on the couch.

"You like to take over I see..I like a girl who takes charge." He smirked.

"I'll decline your offer if you continue." You said.

"Fine, fine I quit! So what'd ya say?" He asked.

I nodded, "The deal is settled, I'll join you, Stark." I smiled softly looking over at him.

He jumped up from the couch and shook my hand.

You shook his hand, curious to see where this path will get you.


Word Count: 891 Words

A/N: I'm excited for the 3rd chapter, thanks for the support so far. Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote on the chapter! The votes really motivate me~


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