Muffin Caper - 3

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Billy, as it turned out, was more than happy to see me

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Billy, as it turned out, was more than happy to see me. His partner, Smith, on the other hand tried to bait me. We never liked one another. Billy gave me all the scoop on what happened the night of the raid, about his 'adventure' with the O'Cappella dame and how Lou had gone into hiding.

I got the writer dame's address from him, figured it was worth a shot to learn just how come she was there that night and at the crime scene. He also mentioned that Lou had shown an interest in the piano player. I checked out some other haunts Shamus frequented and found a piano player at the Rusty Nail.

I thought it was Bruce Buchanan but it turned out to be his twin brother. He told me he saw Lou and McCarty but clammed up about the raid. I learned the writer dame had been pumping him for info and she had left her card. I left mine too and dropped a deuce in Bruce's tip jar on the piano.

I gave Daisy a call and brought her up to date. I told her I was going to have a talk with the writer dame but first I was going to have a look at the crime scene. I wanted a picture in my head about what the place looked like - all the little details.

I parked the car and walked to the alley. Stained brickwork, litter, all the stuff you'd expect to see. It was the go to place for those who ate and drank too much. For scavengers both two and four-legged. I kicked some newspaper aside and glanced around.

The shove from behind pushed me face first into the wall and the punches and kicks that followed left me face down, listening to warnings as I faded out.

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