The Muffin Caper - 7

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Daisy's little waitress down the street dropped another gem in her lap

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Daisy's little waitress down the street dropped another gem in her lap. Apparently Lulu McGinty and Buck Buchanan were dining at Fortunata's and looking pretty cozy.

They spent a long time talking and eating and left quite late. This same source, that was making me feel a little inadequate, dropped the bomb that they stayed overnight at Buchanan's. Piano music could be heard until the late hours.

In the morning Lulu's car was outside her place and a nosy neighbour saw the man with her push his way in and kiss Lulu!


I needed to confirm a few things and Chinatown held some answers I needed. To be safer, I took Hunk Bellows with me. Hunk and I went way back. When I worked as a deputy in a small town in the southwest, I arrested Hunk for throwing a horse and rider into a lake. The rider was the instigator of a fight and I managed to get Hunk probation. Buddies ever since.

Madame Wu was not very forthcoming and the mention of Shamus won us a quick exit from her presence.


According to Daisy's increasingly annoying source, the same neighbour that saw the kiss swore she saw the same man in the apartment earlier and since she didn't know there were twins involved that meant Bruce was already there.

And if he was that meant Lulu got him back from the NoLuks and somebody would be babysitting him - Brody!

I wondered how the kissing scene went over with him.

If I believed Daisy's waitress and a nosy neighbour, Lulu needed another visit. Hunk smiled Cedrick out of the way and we went into the apartment. I introduced Hunk then he left to watch Cedrick.

Lulu wouldn't budge except to admit Shamus had a number of informants in the police department. A small bonus was that she confirmed Smith was one of them. She wouldn't admit anything about Bruce, Buck or Brody so I left with a promise to hear from her and drove Hunk home.

We agreed to get together later for a visit to Hiram Smith. I couldn't wait to see his reaction to Hunk's grin.

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