The Beginning

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Lauren wasn't quite sure how she ended up like this, ass up and trembling, with Camila on top of her.


She guessed it all started when Dinah suggested (read: peer pressured) her into signing up for this new website specifically for people who met her kind of...needs.

Okay, so, it was basically for people looking for sugar daddies.

She really wasn't going to, because if she was going to meet someone, she wanted it to be organic, and spontaneous, and all that stuff, but realistically looking at it, finding someone who fit the bill just right was practically impossible without a little extra help.

Lauren wanted someone who was interesting, and passionate about things, and treated her like an absolute princess, but in the bedroom...was a little different.

So, she put up a profile.

Lauren. 21. I like animals, painting, and politics. Looking for someone who I click with, who will make me happy, and will look after my heart.

Within days, she had gotten almost one hundred messages in response.

Her nose wrinkled in disgust at almost all of them.

Most of them, despite her stating explicitly that right now she was only looking for a woman, were kind of creepy men, seemingly looking for nothing more than a quick fuck or even just an exchange of nudes.

"I'll take care of what's over your heart if you catch my drift"

"Oh, baby, if you like animals you'll definitely like me ;) I'm a beast in bed"

And then, Lauren's personal favourite, just a single emoji.


Well, then. Apparently this was going to be harder than she thought.

There were some that were promising, but upon looking more intently at their profiles, just weren't really what Lauren was looking for.

They were either too old, too young, too boring, too self-centred, too-

After weeks, she was just about giving up, checking her matches less and less regularly and with less care than before, half-heartedly glancing at the replies on the off-chance of anything.

Finally, close to a month after she had put her profile up, she got a message that intrigued her.

Hi Lauren, I'm Camila.

You're absolutely beautiful, and I'd love to get to know you if you're interested? I promise to take care of you, and your heart.

P.S. I have a dog. Maybe one day you guys can meet.

And that was it. Lauren was hooked.

Camila's profile picture didn't help the matter at all. She was wearing a suit and a tie, the fabric clinging to her body like a second skin, emphasising strong muscles and tan skin. Her hair was long and dark, framing sharp cheekbones and a jawline so defined, Lauren was sure she could cut herself on it. And her eyes. They were dark, and sexy, and alluring, and Lauren could already imagine them peering into her soul.

Fuck, she was so attractive, Lauren whimpered at just the sight.

She was replying before she could even process what she was doing.

Hi, Camila. I think I'd really like that.

And that was how it begun.

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