First Date

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"Shit, Normani. What the fuck am I going to do?! She's so gorgeous I can't even- I I want to climb her. But like, more importantly, what am I going to wear to make her want to climb me?"

Normani snorted heartily at the flustered state her best friend was in.

"Lauren, chill, babe. I'm sure she's going to like you no matter what. What kind of vibe are we going for the outfit? Like, is it fuck me now, or is it classy, or like cute, or-?"

Lauren thought for a second. "Probably someone in between fuck me now and classy. But also cute. God, I don't know." Lauren groaned. "I'm not even around her right now and she still drives me crazy."

Normani was doing a shit job of hiding her laughter, Lauren had to say.

"You're so whipped already, I can't wait to tell Dinah."

"Mani!" Lauren whined. "Please, help me."

Groaning as she finally lifted herself from the sofa she was lounging on, Normani finally relented.

"Fine. But you owe me if you get laid."


Coughing nervously, Camila knocked on Lauren's door, a bouquet of red roses in one hand, and playing with her shirt buttons with the other.

It's not that she was nervous, because unlike Lauren, she wasn't really. It was just that, she really needed this to go well. She really needed Lauren to have a good time, and to trust her and like her enough to continue their...

Whatever this was.

Camila's thoughts were interrupted by the opening latch of the door, and she watched as Lauren looked at her and her breathing hitched slightly.

(Camila couldn't quite explain how good that felt.

Plus, she had definitely gone all out today, dressed in tight pants and an ever tighter white shirt with a skinny tie. She had definitely seen Lauren blushing when she looked at it last time they met.

She guessed her princess was into bondage).

She did her own little assessment of Lauren, checking her out from head to toe. Long black hair, shiny and silky. Short black dress, just about grazing her mid-thigh if not higher. Green eyes softly accentuated by a thin flick of eyeliner. A perfect body, creamy skin and toned arms on full display.

Camila had never wanted to kiss someone so badly in her life.

"Wow." She breathed out. "You're- you're so gorgeous. I feel so lucky right now."

Lauren looked down at the ground, shy and bashful as ever and mumbled a thank you.

"These are for you, baby. Do you want me to put them in some water before we go?" Camila asked, holding out the roses.

Lauren looked delighted. "Y-You brought me flowers?"

Camila scoffed. "Of course I did. What kind of date would I be without them? You deserve everything in this world and more, princess. You don't know that yet, but I'm going to teach it to you slowly. I want you to know just how special you are, every single day."

Lauren kind of felt a little dizzy, truth be told. Camila had hit the nail on the head. She wasn't sure what exactly she had done to deserve her, but she felt like the most cherished girl in the world right now, and it was making her so so happy.

"Can I- can I hug you, Camz?"

Grinning broadly, Camila slithered her hands round Lauren's hips, pulling her tight to her as Lauren squealed in surprise.

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