Touch yourself

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Three days after their date, and Lauren still can't stop thinking about it.

How perfect Camila was, how she looked, how she treated her, how she made Lauren feel. How she looked at her, how she spoke to Lauren, how she touched Lauren.

Like she was worth something. Like she was worth everything. Like she deserved to be held, and loved, and cherished and it made Lauren shiver at the thought, instantly falling into a mindset she couldn't quite control.

She was insatiably horny and the thought of Camila was doing nothing to quell her need, but even more than that, she was emotionally needy. She really wanted Camila in every single sense of the word.

She wanted late nights, and early mornings, stolen kisses, honestly, loyalty and trust. She wanted breakfast in bed, warm baths together and adventures to places neither of them had been.

But she also wanted hard, passionate kisses, handcuffs tight on her wrists, hickeys dark on her neck and bottom pink and slightly bruised. Camila on top of her, around her, behind her, surrounding and consuming everything she was. She wanted everything. And now, more than ever, she felt like it was actually possible.

Without realising it, Lauren's hand had drifted further south than she had intended, thumb rubbing at her lower belly and palming the ache in her core.

She chastised herself sternly. No, Lauren.

Camila would...well. If Camila was more than just her casual dating buddy, like her girlfriend, or dare Lauren even think it, her mistress, she was sure she would have been rightly put in her place by now.

But...since she wasn't.

Before Lauren could even process it, her body had made the decision for her, and she was sliding her hand down the rest of the way to rub softly over her underwear, with Lauren letting out a satisfied sigh at the feeling. She dipped under just a little to gently trace through already slick folds, gathering up moisture and flicking her clit slowly.

Oh, god. This felt amazing. Lauren had to close her eyes to feel it properly, but her hips were raising to meet her hands already and her other hand was practically itching to go and bury her fingers inside herself.

She took a deep breath. No. She had to take this slow, to draw it out. She wanted to touch herself like the knew Camila would, slowly, gently, but intensely, taking her time with every movement to make sure Lauren got the maximum pleasure possible. She knew it would be worth it in the end.

And, she needed time to properly play out the fantasy of Camila she had in her head to maximum fruition, wanting to practically live every second of what she was imagining as realistically as possible.

Taking a deep breath, she began to trace through her folds, letting out soft, stifled whimpers at the feeling, imagining Camila kissing down her body, leaving dark hickeys in a trail down to her-


Lauren needed to stop thinking about Camila, because she swore she was going to come any second. Although-

Now, Lauren had a terrible terrible idea in her lust-addled mind.

She knew it was wrong, and intrusive and completely inappropriate but-

She wanted to call Camila. She wanted to get off to the sound of her voice, especially if she couldn't be here in person.

She couldn't do it. It would be wrong, and taking advantage and- right?

But the real question is, would Camila be able to tell?

(Who was Lauren kidding? Of course she'd be able to tell).

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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