04: Golden Glow

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That summer night in our bedroom, he placed his lips on mine, our eyes connecting from the love we shared. We didn't typically kiss with closed eyes, since I wanted to drink him in, and he me. He found his way inside my core, a place only he could have all to himself. I'd just given my all to him by vows. My mouth opened, and a faint sound peeped out. Each rough thrust ensured me I'd get rewarded with his sweet love, the kind of love that would fill me completely until I'd ask for more. His lust-filled eyes still on mine, his grunts growing louder by the second. Sometimes, I couldn't take any more of him, but he always made sure I could with the beautiful ways he loved me. Upon release, we cried in perfect sync, and we held one another in dampness, our bodies wet and sticking onto the other. Our grins said it all, a golden glow that would last for as long as we would last.

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