Sign Of No Return

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The month was January, and the new year had just passed. A family of three siblings went onto the cruise ship, which was headed for Norway. As they boarded, they looked at everyone else. Everybody seemed to realize that they would be staying inside most of the time, though it was said that the pool was heated. The youngest of the siblings was Indigo Negrescu. She had blue hair and was thirteen years old. Puberty seemed like it hadn't reached her yet, though she didn't seem too bothered by it. Her older half-brother Petre had brown hair and was sixteen years old. He didn't look too young for his age, rather it was just that he had a a baby-face. His older half-sister Viorica was nineteen years old, had pink hair, and a particularly large chest. Indigo commonly made the joke that it was intended to attract males, though Viorica said that she only had one in mind.

Indigo looked around at the other passengers. She saw one with black hair and black eyes, immediately recognizing that the other girl was Japanese. Indigo herself was half Romanian and half English, Petre was half Romanian and half Finnish, and Viorica was half Romanian and half Italian. Indigo went over to the girl and shyly raised her hand to wave.

"Hey.. How come you're all alone?" Indigo asked

The other girl looked up at her, and smiled.

"My parents paid for me to go." She said.

"How come they didn't come with you?" Indigo asked.

"My dad's running a business, and my mother's a nurse." The girl replied.

"How typical..." Indigo thought. "I see."

"Is that your mother over there?" The girl asked, pointing to Viorica.

Indigo sighed.

"No, that's my sister." Indigo replied.

"What's the matter?" The girl asked.

"She and my brother are just... Really overbearing, I guess."

"How so?" She asked.

"They're just really... Affectionate. All the time. I'm not saying that I'm not, but they're a bit too much..." Indigo responded.

"Well, it's because they care about you... Just tell them to give you a bit of space."

"That is a bit of space to them.." Indigo said.

"I see..." The girl said.

"What's your name?"

"Chou. Chou Kato. And yours?" Chou asked eagerly.

"Indigo Negrescu." She replied.

"You're not from around here, are you?" Chou asked.

"No. We had to move here when I was six." Indigo replied.

"How come?"

"It's matters that I'd much prefer not to talk about." Indigo said.

"Alrighty!" Chou said.

"Fine, I'll- Wait, really?" Indigo said in shock. "You're not gonna try to pry it out of me?"

"Nope!" Chou replied.

"Huh... I'm not used to that."

Petre saw a blue haired woman that seemed to be a bit older than Viorica walking to a room with the number 106. He followed to the door and poked her shoulder. She turned around, startled by the cold touch, and looked down at him.

"Uh... Hi. I figured I'd get to know the people here... I'm Petre. Petre Negrescu."

The woman stayed silent for a moment, then nodded.

Alone On the ShipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin