Ordinary Story

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There was an arrangement in place between the passengers to have dinner together each night at 9 PM specifically. It was still the first day, and it was merely the afternoon. Despite concerns about assassins, everybody agreed that if an assassin attacked, they would all team up to kill the assassin. It was surely a gamble, and there was little doubt that multiple people would die in that instance, but the risk was enough to stave the assassins away from attacking- or at least they hoped. Nio had convinced everyone that they should all look at the good in each other, and try to only go after the orchestrator- or at least she hoped. To some, the message shined through, but to others the message had no weight. It was arbitrary at best to them, and they knew that there was little she could do if they violated it. The first day was an ordinary story, nobody dared to even hold a knife for others to see. The craziest thing that happened was that Nari broke down in tears, in fear that her younger brother would be in Norway, wondering where she was, in fear that her parents would be terrified that she hadn't arrived and would send out a search party to find her. Nio and Chou cheered her up, and they all carried on through the ordinary day. Indigo was elated to spend time with Chou. The two found it to be a fun pastime to play billiards together. They played on the 8-ball table, rather than the 9-ball table. They felt that 9-ball took away from the experience of pool, and played without any thought of it. Kazuo revealed to Petre, Svetlana, Viorica, Saveli, and Fen that he was a criminal, having been arrested for two counts of murder. Despite this information, the day remained ordinary. Murder itself was the new norm, and so less and less fazed the passengers. Time grew to be slower and slower, with Petre and Svetlana deciding to go to the jacuzzi to relax. It was his first time seeing her in her swimsuit, and it excited him. He never quite imagined the body of a woman, but seeing the curves, her legs, and her smile made him feel warm inside. It gave him a rush that wasn't quite fueled by adrenaline, but rather by lust that was unbeknownst to him. The two talked, with both of them sharing the similarity that they both never had a partner. Petre had only liked one person in the past, whereas Svetlana never considered it. For her, it was ordinary. She still didn't like anyone. The day may have seen many new discoveries, but it was still ordinary nonetheless. Everybody gathered at the dinner table that night, and Viorica brought out three bottles of champagne. Each person would have one glass. Boredom grew within Kazuo, though it was the ordinary story for him. With it, he decided to have fun. He grabbed the closest person to him, being Nari, and slit her throat with a knife. As he did it, Yuka took out a pistol and shot him in the head. The remaining twenty-eight simply stood there.

"Well, they're dead. Shall we eat dinner now?" Saveli asked.

Nio put her head down, saddened by the deaths of the two. The rest of them proposed a toast to life, drank their champagne, ate their dinner, then went back into their rooms for the night. It was an ordinary story.

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