Chapter 11- what am I going to do..

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Shawn's POV

I woke up this morning thinking, "I should get stretchers" so right now it's 12:00pm and I'm heading to some place Keanna knows to get them done. Out of no where you hear Keanna yell "WERE HERE!"
"YOU DIDNT NEED TO SHOUT!" Destiny mocked her, they then looked at eachother and laughed. There friend ship is so weird. I can't believe in actually doing it. I know I'm going to seem like a little kid but I'm making destiny come in the room with me. I'm getting the smallest size and then moving up, but I'm not getting to big probably just medium sized.

We got to the front counter and destiny started talking, I just love her voice.

"Hi, uhm Shawn here would like to get stretchers but he would like to start off with the smallest size you got" she says

"Oh yes, by the way I'm Samantha but Jonathan here will be doing your ears, Shawn would you like someone to come in the room with you while you get them done?" Samantha says

"Uhh, actually I would like destiny to come in the room with me.." I said awkwardly. After that me and destiny followed her to the room..

*skip to when he actually gets them done*

"1....2....3" and then he was done, he did the left ear and were done, I did it!

"Yes you did Shawn" destiny laughed

"I.. I said that out loud?" I said sitting up

"Yes, but it's okay" we then paid and left the shop.

*skip to them back at the hotel*

We made it back to the hotel but right when I was about to lay down Taylor bursted through the door. "hey Shawn"

"Hey taylor"

"Yo, do you want to go to a sorry tonight, Destiny already said she's going so did everyone else" he asked

"Yeah, sure man, what time does it start at?"

"It starts at 9 and goes till like 3-4 in the morning maybe even longer"

"Okay, I'll be ready at like 8:30 is that fine?"

"Yeah, we're leaving at 9:30 anyways"
After he said that he left my room. Finally I can take a nap. I was about to when destiny walked in. Ugh, when can I get sleep.

"Shawn.. You know it's 7:30 right?"she says.

"What time did we get back?"

"Well we went and got your ears done, then we went to go get food, then we walked around the each and we got back around 6:40 sooo, yeah, 6:40"

"Damn, time goes by fast.. Well we should start getting ready"

"Okay!!" She says happily, she is such a little kid. About an hour and a half later we were all ready. Destiny looks stunning and you can tell Matthew thinks so to, but I can also tell he doesn't want his little sister doing anything, but damn, he looks stunning. She's wearing a black high waist skirt and a blue crop top. I'm just wearing black pants with a white v-neck.

*skip driving part*

We got to the party and it was already packed with a bunch of people dancing and drinking, I'm Pretty sure people are smoking too. Me and destiny walked in hand and hand so this way we don't loose eachother in this huge crowd. We got into the kitchen and grabbed drinks, we both finished about two drinks and started dancing, I saw destiny look up at the stairs and smirked. I looked and saw Keanna and Matt heading up stairs. I'm pretty sure me and destiny both know what's going to happen, but we just continued to dance.

Keanna's POV

I have never felt so drunk in my life, yes I know, I'm only 13 but that doesn't mean I can't have fun right? I did this before, me and jack have together, that's why I like him as my brother. Me and Matt started making out on the couch and well it lead us walking up stairs into a room. Well I know I'm only 13 but... You know. Well me and Matt started making out again and he pushed me on the bed, and well... That lead to me waking up with nothing on...

*couple weeks later*

I woke up and I felt like getting sick and well, I did. This has been happening for the past few weeks and well I need to go to the store to get uhh. Pregnancy test. But I wanted someone to come with me so I called destiny:

(D-destiny K-Keanna)

D: hey Keanna, what's up??

K: I need you to come to the store with me...

D: ok, what for?

K: don't be mad but I need to go get a pregnancy test, I've been getting sick for the past week, I know I'm young but if I am pregnant I'm not giving up this child.. I can't stand having an abortion and killing a baby.

D: I know Keanna, it's your decision and plus, your birthdays in a week, and you will have this beautiful child if your pregnant, don't worry, but if you are you will have to tell your parents, and if they kick you out, come live with me ok?

K: ok.. I'll meet you downstairs, love you bye

D: love you too bye

I then grabbed my room key and headed towards the elevator. I then saw destiny and we said our hellos and walked to the store. I started searching for the pregnancy tests. I walked up to the counter awkwardly and you can tell the women was disgusted but what I heard right when I walked away made me turn around and slap the bitch. "Slut.." She said. I slapped her but destiny pulled me off and then she took my place she punched her in the face and told her to back off. We headed back to the hotel and walked to my room. She came to the room with me since everyone else was at the beach. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself for a while. If I'm pregnant I'm keeping the child no matter what my parents think, I'm not killing a human being. I then took the stick out of the box and oissed on it after that I placed it on the counter and walked out. Me and destiny waited for about 5 minutes and walked back into the bathroom. *what am I going to do* I thought. I walked out of the bathroom to tell destiny the news.


"What... What does it say..

"I'm... I'm pregnant.."

A/N im so sorry for not updating this past week! I've been busy with exams but I promise you I will update tomorrow. I know this chapter is short, well to me it is, but I love yous and hope you enjoy this chapter. Goodnight/good morning ❤️

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