"I kissed you because I need to shut you up"

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Tessa's POV

I woke up next to Mike, on the couch. I got off the couch, trying to not wake him. Which I failed badly. He pulled my waist, causing me to fall on top of his chest.

"Stay here." He whispered.

"Mikey, I need to go." I begged him.

"Go where?" He asked with his eyes still shut.

"The toilet." I said in duh tone.

"Fineee." He whined, releasing me from his muscular arms. I was not going to the toilet. I tip toed to my room. I opened the door and walked in. I turned around and shut it.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Wu's number. He didn't answered. I put my phone next to me and touch my cheek. Someone knocked the door and I got off the bed to open the door.

"Tess. I'm sorry for slapping you." Zakry apologized. I shook my head.

"It's fine. I deserved it." I said quietly. He sighed and I looked up.

"Why did you just said that? Do something; slap me, yell at me, shout at me. You can't just forgive me. You ne-" I cut him off by pressing my lips onto his.

He kissed back. But I didn't because I did that to shut him up. He pulled away.

"You didn't kiss back."

"I kissed you because I need to shut you up." I replied fastly and he laughed.

"That's what I like about you." He said and winked.

On My Way// Daniel Seavey fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now