Welcome to a fictional town

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I could hear the pitter-patter of rain hitting the window of my living room as I snuggled into the couch. The t.v. in front of my shone brightly in the darkness of my house. I was enjoying one of my favorite shows called The Vampire Diaries because I was alone in the house and had nothing to do. My parents and my little brother were away on a trip to the Maldives for some kind of party. So far, the alone time had been quite wonderful. I could watch t.v. anytime and eat whatever I wanted.

My name is Melody Hart and I am an average 16-year-old teenager. Though I have to admit that I am a tiny bit antisocial. I have many friends but I rarely like hanging out with them apart from school time. That is not because I don't like them but because of some reason that I haven't been able to figure out...yet.

I continued watching t.v. while half of my mind was focused on the rain. Suddenly, it felt as if the noise had increased and I looked over to the window to my right. At the same time, the light from my t.v. turned so bright that I could barely face the screen. The noise and the light kept increasing and as I closed my eyes a strange darkness took over.

I slowly drifted into consciousness. I could feel the gravel under my uncovered arm. I was still in my jeans and a comfortable top that had been wearing while watching t.v. However, I was clearly not in the safety of my living room anymore. As I got up, I realized that I had gotten hurt in the process of...whatever just happened.

I started to look around for any and every clue for how I got here. But I could not recognize the place as hard as I tried I was unable to figure how I ended up here. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a signboard cover by a plant. I walked closer with some difficulty and pushed the plant off.

Mystic Falls

I must be dreaming because there is no way I was in a fictional town. My doubts were cleared when I felt a slight pain as I pinched my arm. Oh God, I was in a fictional town full of supernatural creatures. This could not be good. My brain went into overdrive and I started to hyperventilate when I thought of the numerous I could get killed. I was broken out of my reverie when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. The notification said that I had a text message. How can anyone text me while I was not even in my...universe? I unlocked my phone and opened the message. It read:

Hi Melody. You should relax before faint again. I am a witch and I got you here. This universe is where you are needed the most at the time. Please trust me and follow my instructions. I own a house in Mystic Falls where the caretaker, Rosie, is waiting for you. Please go there. You will find a letter with the rest of the instructions. I am truly sorry for such an abrupt message but I am in a hurry. I hope that you will do as I say. Take care of yourself.

S.M. (A well-wisher)

The address to the woman's house was given below the message. Now that it was confirmed I wasn't going crazy, I felt infinitely better. For some reason, I knew that I could trust the witch. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the flashlights of a car. I turned towards the car and held my hand out hoping that I could convince them to give me a lift because there was no way I could walk any further with an injured leg. During the process of looking for clues, my left leg that had been injured already had started to hurt even more.

The car came to an abrupt halt right next to me and started explaining the situation but my jaw fell to the floor as I realized who was in the driving seat. I was looking into the mesmerizing eyes of the one and only, Elijah Mikaelson.

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