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"Are you alright miss?" asked Elijah while staring deeply into my eyes.

A blush took over my face as I realized how much of an idiot I must have looked at him.

"Ye...Yeah. I'm fine. I was wondering if you could give me a ride to my aunt's house. I accidentally tripped over a rock and hurt my leg."I said with the blush still on my cheeks. The lies rolled easily off my tongue and I was quite amazed at my on the spot story making. He seemed to believe me too as a look of concern washed over his face.

His next lines were "Of course. Please climb in."

With some difficulty, I climbed into the Porsche Panamera. He seemed to have noticed the pain that moving around had caused me but said nothing about it.

I showed him the address that was sent to my phone by my mystery sponsor.

"Thank you so much and I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"It's not a problem at all, I'm glad that I can be of help. However, I must admit that this is the first time I am seeing you. Are you new here?"

"Yeah. I have come to live here for a while" I replied hesitantly.

"Well, you're very welcome."He said with a gentle smile.

He was truly one of the most friendly person I had ever met and he was a fictional character!

"Thank you... I'm sorry, I never asked for your name."

"I'm Elijah. Elijah Mikaelson. Nice to meet you."

"Melody Hart. Pleasure is all mine."

" Well. This must be the address."

I looked out and saw a beautiful a medium sized row house that looked similar to the Gilbert House. I hadn't realized that how much time had passed so I was quite surprised and little disappointed because I didn't get a chance to make a proper conversation with my favorite character...or person. I have to get used to calling them people as they are no more characters on t.v. screen designed for the purpose of entertainment. I turned back to Elijah and saw that he was looking at me.

"Thanks again, Elijah. It was great meeting you. I hope to see you again soon."

"Of course, it's not a very big town. Let me give you my number."
I handed over my phone to him with a calm expression on my face while I did an internal victory dance.

"Call me whenever you need me and I will be there in no time. Don't hesitate."

"Sure...See you then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Melody."He said while looking into my eyes. Something about that gaze told me that I would be seeing him again very soon. After a while, he revved up the engine and drove into the night as I watched him leave. I was so in love with this lovely, compassionate man already and it wasn't scary as it should be. With that thought, I went to knock on the door of my new house.

A woman in mid-thirties opened the door. She had shoulder length auburn hair and light blue eyes. She was slightly taller than me and was dressed in a forest green dress.

"You must be Melody. I had been informed earlier this month that you would be moving in. Your clothes and other things arrived last week. I'm Rosie and I've been taking care of this house for the past 3 years and now I'll be taking care of you too. It is very nice to have you here. Please come in"

"Hi, Rosie. Thank you very much. It is nice to meet you too."

As I stepped into the house, the smell of lasagna wafted my nose and my stomach let out a loud grumble. The trip had worn me out and I was very hungry. My leg had started to throb now.

"You must be hungry and what happened to your leg?"

"Yes, it was a long journey and I fell while getting out of the car."I lied.

"Oh dear, let me bring a first aid kit. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable."

I did as she said and took the time to take a look at my surroundings. The house had an extremely homey feel to it. The living room was connected to the kitchen and had one black couch and two recliners. There was a bookstand in the corner near the unlit fireplace. The kitchen had a brown dining table right at the center. To the corner of the house was a stairway leading to the next floor.

Soon Rosie was back with the first aid kit and started to attend to my injury.

"I have prepared some lasagna for you. You should eat and take some rest. It might take some time to heal and you shouldn't slow it down further by moving around unnecessarily. You can call me when you need anything. This is your home now so don't hesitate."She said with a bright, welcoming smile. Her voice had a soothing effect on me, very similar to that of my mother's. I returned the smile accompanied with a slight nod.

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