Unnoticed by The Unnoticeable

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It was already past Valentine's Day. A day after splatfest has ended. Team love won! That's amazing, but... Who is there to love? I'm all alone.
Benji sat down alone at a table on his phone to pretend like he's texting a friend. He looks up and starts to throw a jealous glare at Luck with his squad and boyfriend. He gets out of his chair without taking his eyes off that soft, pink eyed idiot. Ben tries to tune into what they're listening to....
.... He can't hear a thing, so he tries to jump in the group and ride along. Pit was behind Luck with his arms around his neck giving dirty looks to Kk without him noticing, but his eyes turn to Benji but doesn't say a word to let someone else notice. "... And then my Splatnet kept getting spammed by Blue Whale messages. I asked Gabby and she said that happens if they get into your recommendations." "What the hell? Why didn't you block it?" "I don't know I'm probably going to just wait." "For what?! Dude you've gotten so much better over the months, and you probably don't even need your medicine anymore but when something cruel pops into your feed that can torture you every day you're just going to take it?!" "Baby, please don't do this or else I'm going to have to be that over protective girlfriend who snoops through your phone all the time." "Then I'm going to put in a password." "Everyone knows your password is 6666." Kk adjusts his hat and just looks at his friends a bit.
"That's something id like to do to. I wouldn't mind dying." Then everyone else's eyes turns to him. "Uhh. We're all gonna die at some point." "Yeah no shit." "..... But I mean like.. Killing myself." "Then maybe you should go see a doctor." Luck is just silent. He feels bad and shows it in his eyes. "Or you know, just do it." Volt smirks and Pitbull looks away trying not to smile, knowing that's a bad thing. But he actually frowns when he sees that Luck is giving him that disappointed look. "Volt is bad enough but why are you encouraging it. I feel like I'm going through the same thing too." "Well I actually like you." "So?! That doesn't mean you can't show at least a bit of empathy." He raises an eyebrow after winning a shamed look. Benji just lowers his head and covers his eyes with his hand. "I... Never mind I gotta go." And they watch the boy run off.
That was so embarrassing... I hate this so much. Benji walks out of Inkopolis Square and sits down by the cement and watches that group continue with their weird conversation. "You're waiting for your ships too, huh?" He jumped. Then looks turns his head to see a girl with the basic orange girl hairstyle and some glasses in her school uniform. "What.. What is that supposed to mean?" He gave Wolf his famous death glare. "I know them too. You see that one with the blue hair? Yeah.. He's so cute." They take their eyes off each other to take a glance at Volt. Attention goes back to each other. "I went up to them and he was being a total ass to me. And.... Wait, you did not answer my question." "... What? Oh, yeah! I kinda know Luck and Pitbull and they're cute and all but I ship him with Kk. He's my friend and he likes him alot-" "No shit?"
"Shut up." Wolf points at everyone she's talking about like someone giving a presentation. "And then it's cute because he's like, Sad Boi yknow? And Kk wants to comfort him and stuff." "No, Pitbull is doing enough of the comforting and Kk is just trying to tap that tiny kid and get a burst out of it." "Well you're not friends with him! I am!!" Benji rolls his eyes and lets her proceed. "And I ship Volt with myself and my girls thinks we're cute together too. What do you think?" She smiles and buries her face with her sleeves, blushing and waiting for a response. "... You should just talk to him-" "He should talk to me first though! It's how it'd supposed to be!" She pouts. "There is no right or wrong when you approach someone. Except sexual harassment. You are a weird girl." Shot with one last glare, Benji steps off and walks home. Hmm.  She thinks. I like him. Maybe I should talk to boys first. Oh boy, this will be crazy.
It was 8 pm when Ben heard a knock on his door. He opens it and jumps a bit, surprised by who was at the door.... Luck and Pitbull. The small boy's lover had his head down in shame while having his arms crossed in a smirk, both being in their pajamas. "I know this wasn't planned but I was wondering if we could spend the night with you. Also we came to apologize. Right, Pit?" Pitbull growls in response like he is what his name is. Perhaps it's how he got his name? "Yeah... I was an... Ugh...." He looks over at Luck and smiles a bit. He knows that even though he made a pretty rude gesture as long as Ben accepted his apology, he still could be able to be close to the most precious person that came in his life. Pitbull smiles and lifts his head. "An asshole. I'm sorry that you feel the same way my boyfriend does about life. He's recovering with my help and maybe someone can help you through this too." And they both looked back at Benji for a response. "Well... It is okay. And if you really do mean it thank you. So I guess you can sleep over. I'll bring out some bags. And I don't feel like doing laundry so don't think about going there." He turns around while they don't whispered "shit" under their breaths. Yet they walk into Benji's room and lie down just to cuddle a bit.
While opening the door that holds the sleeping bags, his phone sings to his favorite song, Don't Slip. He goes to pick it up just to see that the number had no id. Benji answers it anyways and rolls his eyes when he hears that recognizable voice. "Hi!! So I listened to what you said? And then I talked to Volt? He said he was going to do a league and yknow, I wanted to invite you. You're actually pretty cool. We're like... Both outcasts and meant to be! FRIENDS. Friends.." "Well Volt hates me.. He would kick me out of that team." "Nonsense! He was probably just cranky-" "And me? An outcast? No.... I'm just misunderstood or something." "You're so emo! But whatever you say.. You're still coming." Benji coughs a bit. "How did you get this number?" beeep.
"Ugh," He slams his phone on the desk and takes out the bags. He kicks the door close and walks in on his familiars tickling each other with their kisses, hugging and giggling while doing that. "Okay, not that either. Stop.." The two jumped up and pretend like nothing happened. "Sorry," He puts the bags down and grabs pillows off his bed. "I just hate seeing people be so fluffy together when I can't even get a text back." "Well you'll find someone someday," Luck gets up and pulls his sleeves down so they go over his hands. "You may not believe it but trust. You're cool, kitten.... But let's not talk about this. Let's just talk or play video games." "I unplugged my console a couple of days ago and I'm too tired to plug it back in." Luck sits down on the bag and makes a nest with every pillow in the room. Pitbull stays sitting on the bed until Benji gives him a sign to get off. He does and puts his boyfriend on his lap and rubs his head. "Then I guess we can just talk. You're our host, you start." "Well.." Benji lies down on the bed. "So you know that Wolf girl? She looks like every other orange inkling girl but with brown eyes and glasses." "Yeah, she's pretty weird.." "God she tries to make all these people become a couple when they probably aren't even close like that." "I mean.. She called me earlier somehow. She wants me to hang out with her and said I was an... Outcast...? It didn't feel right. I get is she's a crazy fan girl but she's weird in the bad way. I don't know what to do over that hurt her feelings. Or hurt her physically. I'll hit her." "Woah, no violence outside of the lobby." Luck being a hypocrite. "But you should tell her that you don't want to hang with her...." They all yawn at around the same time and slowly close their eyes. Luck lies down right next to Pitbull and being hugged by him which made them feel warm and fuzzy. They enjoyed this feeling and almost forgot about what they just talked about. "Goodnight, I love you. Thanks for everything.." The yellow squid whispers. "I love you so much.." Pit whispers back. They smile to sleep while Benji listened and turns around to shed a few tears. I wish I had someone to love.
Growing up with a mother who doesn't pay top much attention to you even though you never had a father can make you feel very upset. As I am still developing, not just my ability to cover ink but personally, I wonder why don't people like me. I ask and they say my attitude pushes them away. I never understood that, and I still don't. Merde, fuck you, I'd yell at them. Someone is trying to be my friend now... But I am not an outcast.
... "I thought we would be playing truth or dare or spin the bottle. We always do these things whenever we have surprise sleepovers." "I know because I was there... Oh well at least we had time to just be with each other than Gabby breathing down all of our necks telling us to have a gang bang." "She's a fucking weirdo! But I love her. Do you think Chimney will go out with her before the end of the year?" "Chimney is too perfect for that little rat."
Benji slowly wakes up and forces himself out of bed from hearing the noise of a video game playing. "Oh, you're awake!"
"What the hell, it is.." He takes a glance at the clock. "Oh." "Yeaaa. You were asleep for a while." "Sorry, I was just up all night thinking." "Well that's dangerous. We plugged in your console!" "Yes I can see that."
Benji looks at his phone and he sees all the text messages by an unknown ID number on his phone pleading to squad with her and Volt. "Oh shit, I forgot.. Hey that Wolf girl... Can one of you two be our fourth person?" "Ummmm... I'll go. Let me get dressed first." Luck paused the game and got up when he was interrupted be Pitbull hugging his leg. "Noooo! You're going to actually play a match correctly!!!"
They laugh and Ben just glares at them. "I'll use bathe myself first then.." His response was ignored but he just flips them off guard and walks to he bathroom.
Benji strips himself down and lets the sound of pouring (whatever they use to rinse what the hell) to block the sound off despite having soundproof walls. He was just too sick and tired of that unconditional love.
... As soon as he finishes bathing, he steps out and looks around then pinches the space between his eyes in disappointment. "I forgot my ffffucking clothes!" He whispers and grabs his towel to wrap it around himself. He picks up his pajamas and takes them to the laundry room then goes back to his room and points out the door to tell them to get out so he can change.
And while doing so Luck got in the shower with Benji's guess that Pitbull is joining him and they're probably making his bath floor dirty. Still not fully dressed, he peeks out the door to see his assumption was wrong and that he was just on the couch texting. Ben rolls his eyes to finish up. He ties his shoelaces and walks out with the towel then throws it on Pit's head. He saw Luck do that to him before and imagined it being okay but he got the wrong and opposite result. "Dude what the hell?!"
He throws it off and rubs his hair. "Oh I'm sorry... I thought it would be funny." "Well that's pretty retarded. Why does Luck even trust you like this you're such an ass!" He yelled. But Ben snapped. "The only ass you care about is your little boyfriend's because all you want to do is pound him all night you sick fuck! You don't give a damn about how he feels!" "....." Pitbull gets off the couch and stands only a fee inches away from Benji. "And what makes you think any of those damn lies are true, huh? You think I'm not doing anything to help and I'll I am doing is trying to screw him?" Benji chuckled and crossed his arms with an answer already caged up in his mind. "Have you not noticed how many long sleeved clothing he's been wearing?"
... Silence......
Pitbull backs away in defeat. The second part sure wasn't true but the one about helping him was. He wasn't a good enough angel for his broken one. "Oh my god..." He sniffs and covers his mouth to look at his clothes outside the bathroom door. He wore a sweatshirt with sleeves longer than his hands to sleep, Pitbull takes a closer look without moving out of his spot to see very shallow blood stains on the inside. "You're a monster." "Don't blame the witness, buddy. They watched, not caused." "Fuck..." He sniffs again. "I'll be in my car." Benji is still smirking while he walks out the door. Pit had his eyes glued to the sweatshirt until he heard the door slam and he jumped. Luck got out the shower with a loose long sleeved t shirt from a Squid Sisters concert and a pair of shorts with knee high socks and some running shoes. His hands were clenched to hold the sleeves and he just smiles. "Do you think he'll let me borrow his aerospray?"
Pitbull walks up to Luck and just hugs him. "If he doesn't I wouldn't mind attacking him. Woof, haha...." "Haha!" "Heheheheh....." Pitbull pulls away from the hug and looks around for a weapon. There were no aerosprays. "He doesn't have one. Use his nzap. Tell him you borrowed it because if I did he'll punch me, that damn snake." "Okay!" Luck smiles and makes a gesture out the door until he pauses. "Wait," Pitbull stops him. "One more hug."
Luck turns around to hug him and Pitbull kisses him multiple times. "I love you more than anything. You have no idea how lucky you have it." "Well that is my name." He giggles. "Yeah, but don't ever, EVER let anyone throw you down. You have so many people who care about you and you won't even know how much they like you." "Oh... Okay." Luck smiles and releases the hug to walk out the door. Once the car drives off, Pitbull looks at the sweatshirt. "Does this make me a bad person?"

At Inkopolis Square, Wolf and Volt were standing by the lobby meeting them. "Hey man!" "Hi!" Luck and Volt low five. "Hi Benny!" "Don't call me that." "Oh... Okay." All eyes go on Benji which makes a couple of sweet beads roll down his head. "I uhh. Let's go do some rank battles!" He pushes through them and takes awkward steps inside. "Uhh..." They follow him in and look at eachother confused.

"Wait, where's Benji?" Luck turns around then notices that he left the match. "No wonder why we're losing!!! What the hell! That bitch!" "Oh geez. I'm gonna go look for him."
Wolf jumps off leaving Volt and Luck with the entire enemy team.
"Ben... Oh, there you are! Why did you leave?! You know you're not supposed to do that!" "I don't care." "Well you should!" Wolf sits down on the cliff and next to him, which he scoffs and scoots away. She shifts closer to him.
"Is something wrong?"
"You called me an outcast."
"That's it?! I-"
"But I'm not. I actually know the difference between reality and lies."
Wolf was silent.
"I'm not stuck in an unknown world like you." Benji gets up. "I may not be the most likeable person, but they're missing out. Perhaps I did not find inklings who speak to me."
"But I-"
"And being with you won't start it for me."
"...... OW!"
Wolf closes her eyes for a second just to see a gun on her lap and blood dripping out her nose. "You're a monster, you know that? No wonder why no one-"
She looks up to only see nothing.
Sorry this one was long but I did say I wanted to do more povs and make my stories longer. Hope you enjoyed

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