Horrible Everyday Routine

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Sebastian's POV:
"Sebastian! Sebastian! Sebastian!"
That's all I heard as soon as I woke up and it was Alois yelling for me.
I quickly got up out of bed and got dressed into a long sleeve black shirt with holes in it, a pair of torn up blue dress pants and a pair of torn and dirty shoes; the only clothes that I have.
After I got dressed, I rushed to Alois' room to see what he wanted.
"It took you long enough, Sebastian!" He snapped as I walked into his room.
"What do you want, Alois?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood to put up with him.
"What do think I want? Make me breakfast, you imbecile!" He snapped again.
"Yes, sir" I said.
I ran out of the room and hurried to the kitchen.
Why must that little twerp wake up in bad mood everyday?
I went down to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.
As I was cooking, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"Oh Bassy...... I have an itch that I can't get rid of and I need your help" he purred into my ear.
I shivered and shoved him off of me.
"I don't think so, you pervert. Now please go away."
"Oh, you're so rude Bassy; But later, I will get you in bed with me." 
He walked out of the kitchen, leaving me alone.
I sighed and shook my head.
Why must he do that to me everyday?
After I got done cooking, I spit into the porridge to get back at Alois for snapping at me.
I walked out of the kitchen and to his room, carrying the bowel carefully.
"Here's your breakfast, Alois"  I said.
His sky blue eyes glared at me.
"What took you so long?!" He snapped once again.
I didn't bother making eye contact with him or answering him.
I gave him the bowel of porridge and ran out of the room so I wouldn't get yelled at again.
I hate doing the same damn thing every day.
Getting yelled at by Alois and Grell trying to get me into bed with him.
Such a horrible everyday routine I have...... I hope I get out this house soon.

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