Determination And Jealous Hannah

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Claude's POV:
When nighttime finally came, I went to bed early since I was feeling tired from the coronation.
As I was laying in bed, I looked at the shoe that was sitting on my night stand and gently picked it up, careful not to breakfast it.
I ran my fingers delicately over the shoe.
I am determined to find the red eyed beauty and make him my bride.
I suddenly drifted off to sleep, holding the shoe close to my chest.
I hope I find him soon.
I will go through every house inside and outside the kingdom just to find him.
I am determined to find him.
I was sound asleep for about an hour when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Claude, Claude...... Wake up" I heard Hannah say.
I opened my eyes and looked up at her.
"Hannah, what are you doing in my room?" I asked.
"I wanted to see how my fiance was doing" she said bitterly.
I sat up, wondering what was wrong with her.
"What's wrong Hannah?"
"I'll tell you what's wrong, Claude. You're mine and nothing will change that."
She grabbed the shoe roughly out of my hands.
"Hannah, give me that back!" I said, raising my voice.
"No, Claude!" She yelled, "I will find that guy you were dancing with at the ball and I will make sure that he'll stay away from you because I will be your wife whether you like it or not and nobody will stop that. Nobody will stop you from becoming my husband!"
"That is enough, Hannah!" I snapped, "I don't even love you. I don't even want to get married to you. I'm calling off our wedding."
She growled and shoved the shoe back in my hands.
"Fine! I don't need you anyways, you ass!"
She stormed out of my room and slammed the door hard.
I sighed and stared up at the ceiling as I held the shoe.
I don't care what Hannah thinks, I don't care if I hurt her feelings, I don't care if she's jealous. I don't care about her anymore.
I have one thing on my mind and that is finding my red eyed beauty.

Claude x Sebastian: Cinderella StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ