[12] BOGIES pt. 1

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Calum rounds the corner, a new fake mustache and hat combo on his head. "Am I the sexiest man in the world right now, or what?" He tilts the fedora invitingly at his friend.

Ashton punches him in the arm, throwing his head back as he laughs.

"Yeah, man, David Beckham is shaking in his cleats." Ashton chuckles, squeezing his eyes shut. Calum had tried on two other pairs of mustaches and hats and they were both equally hilarious.

It's a slow day at work, per usual, so the two have resorted to goofing around. Technically, they should be doing something, like returning misplaced items to their rightful place, but they'll get to it in a second.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Calum asks, stripping off his costume and setting it back on the clearance rack.

"Dude, I'd love to hang out, but Mel and I have a date." Ashton can't help but smirk as he says the words. Calum catches on to his pride and simpers with a nod.

"Ah, I get it." He purses his lips, still nodding. "Date night with the girl of your dreams, and all that. Totally beats me kicking your butt on the Xbox all day."

Snickering, Ashton starts walking down the aisle. "Shouldn't you have plans with Darce anyway?" He asks, then turns to make eye contact under his furrowed brows. "Or are you two still on the rocks?"

Calum had told him last week that Darcy had crossed a line with some shades at a bar. Ashton wasn't aware that they had lines to cross, since Calum never seemed to mind the way she falls over other guys. Then again, she had kissed that guy while Calum was two feet away from her. Which, surprisingly, warranted a break instead of a breakup, according to Calum.

"Yup. She hasn't called me, I haven't called her." Calum trails off, shrugging.

Ashton presses his lips together, patting Calum on the shoulder. "Sorry, Cal."

Calum shakes his head, absently turning a shampoo bottle to have its label facing him. "Don't be. It's probably for the best anyway."

Ashton quirks a brow, not fully believing that. Calum and Darcy talked about each other like one hung the moon and the other, the stars. It's hard to be convinced that Calum has come to the sudden realization that his relationship wasn't all that he hyped it up to be.

"You talked to Mali, didn't you?" Ashton concludes. She's always been Calum's voice of reason.

Sheepishly, Calum ducks his head, but quickly waves a dismissive hand in Ashton's direction.

"Yeah, but she didn't tell me anything I couldn't have figured out on my own," Calum defends himself, to which Ashton responds with a chuckle. "Anyway, lover boy, what are you and Mel doing tonight?"

Ashton tries to control his face, but it's a struggle to not grin at the mention of it. He's not sure when he'll get over the fact that Mellony has actually accepted him in her life. He doesn't think she would have let just anyone in, and he's glad to have earned his spot. Sue him.

"We found a Groupon for the mini golf place downtown."

"Wow," Calum pretends to wipe a tear from his cheek. "Your first Groupon date."

Ashton giggles, giving his friend a soft shove. "Shut up, man."

The two of them amble down the aisle, falling into a comfortable silence. Ashton's surprised the assistant manager hasn't found them and told them to start doing their jobs, yet. Just to be safe, Ashton stops by a shelf and pushes some cans over to their proper price card.

Calum notices and does the same to the display case across from him, the both of them quietly working for a change.

Ashton manages to survive the rest of his day, despite a woman yelling at him about getting a refund for her toaster, and now happily walks out of the store with Calum in tow.

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