
18 1 0

You looked at me
With those doe eyes
Like you've known me
All of our lives.

It was all I needed
To fall in love.
One split second
At first glance.

That hot day in June
Or, better yet,
The day I awoke
To the sound of your laugh.

My eyes opened
And I learned how to
Breathe again while
On those risers.

This is my thank you
For helping me
Fully realized who
I am meant to be.

Even if that man
Might be delving
Deeper and deeper
Into sin.

I'd crawl to hell
And back
Just for the chance
To hear that laugh again.

To whom this may concern,
I love you.
I always will.
As long as you live, so will I.

          - O'Neal

Poems Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now