Chapter XXII

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(I'm going to tweak the plot of what happened in the school just a little bit, not too much, so please don't comment how this didn't happen in the original series since I am well aware of that fact. The flashback will be continued on in the next chapter. Thank you and enjoy!)

Today was Monday, and Nagisa was dreading it. Anxiety that he hadn't felt since Kunugigaoka was crashing down on him and overpowering his senses, it was even worse than when he was sent to the main campus to serve a punishment for 'threatening other students'. 

Even know, as the bluenette walks down the disheveled hallway towards his classroom, bathing in the dim light that flooded through the cloudy windows, the memory played itself repeatedly in his mind. It was like an annoying wasp that kept on buzzing and stinging the back of his head, making it throb, and then dodging all of smacks of the hands trying to squash it.

He couldn't stop shivering, his footsteps quickening considerably in order to reach the classroom before he had a panic attack in the corridor. Students were meant to arrive in half an hour so privacy was always a smart idea.

When he had arrived, Nagisa sped inside and slammed the thin door harshly against the frail frame, rotting wood shuddering and releasing a grouchy groan of protest. He dropped his messenger bag on the floor, it landed with a soft thump and muffled crash as all the objects inside tumbled around, before leaning back against the door and attempting to control his breathing.

It didn't work and Nagisa steadily began to loose touch of his surroundings, his mind being going into overdrive but still not pausing or ejecting the tape of Nagisa's memory, it played over and over like a movie stuck on repeat. He couldn't even feel the guilt that lay heavy on his chest as the only other thought besides the horrible incident was the fact that nobody but one person knew that he was haunted by the demons of his past as well as his present, conscious, unconscious and subconscious.

In one last ditch effort to try and halt his impending attack, Nagisa numbly scrambled for his phone that sat comfortably in his pocket, unlocking it with his muscle memory. As his vision got more blurry his slim fingers swiftly worked, opening contacts and scrolling down to a particular one before tapping the call button.

He only just managed as his grip was soon lost, phone dropping to somewhere on the floor on speaker, emitting the monotonous ringing sound. It pounded against Nagisa's head as he retracted into a ball, waiting for them to pick up. His breath was becoming more uneven and ragged.

After only two clicks the line was picked up, a familiar and calming voice greeting Nagisa, who shakily responded. The person on the line paused for a minute before speaking again.

It wasn't uncommon for Nagisa to call them, or them to aid him recover from a panic attack (since Nagisa had assassinated Koro-sensei and become an assassin he had extreme paranoia and anxiety), but this one sounded like something else. It was more as if their blue haired friend was disconnected and floating, merely a product of their imagination instead of physically there, panicking and allowing everything to drown his capable mind.

"Nagisa-kun, can you hear me?"

The voice barely penetrated the thick fog that rolled into Nagisa's mind in waves, enough for Nagisa to hear it but when it was twisted into his memories. Still, the bluenette choked out a sob along with a whimper that confirmed the question slightly, before the sound was completely drowned out by the regretful memory deciding to start up.

~~ Flashback ~~

Nagisa slowly scrambled up the mountain towards his classroom, using one hand to pushed up from the rocky ground- causing cuts and bruises to begin to cluster on the porcelain skin - and the other to gently rub his irritated scalp in soothing circles. Last night his mother had been in one of her moods, he had accidentally dropped a book on the floor and had been screamed at. Lately she had been getting worse, once going as far as slapping Nagisa instead of just screaming and yanking his thin blue hair out of his skull.

The small boy was already late to class, being hindered by his throbbing head, aching body and being caught by a group of the main campus students only 10 minutes ago.

Soon, stumbling on weak legs, he made it to the top, slowing down and coming to a halt just before he entered the clearing that held the run-down wooden shack that housed Nagisa's classroom. He panted heavily, inspecting his hand and wincing slightly at all the markings on it, smearing some of the light blood that was welling up.

The only highlight so far has been that he also ran into Gakushu, managing to hitch a ride to school which helped him by replacing a half an hour long walk with a ten minute drive.

When Nagisa had recovered, he removed his hand from his head and walked forward as steadily as he could towards the door. Before he could even reach it, it burst open and Kaede rushed out, hurtling her short frame towards the bluenette. He groaned as she impacted on his chest, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing tightly.

"Nagisa-kun! What happened?! I was so worried, you're never late!" she squealed into his uniform, so it was slightly muffled but Nagisa managed to catch it well enough.

"Sorry, slept through the alarm. You don't need to worry about me Kaede-chan," Nagisa lied seamlessly, rubbing circles into her back. After a small while of them hugging she pulled away and thoroughly inspected Nagisa too make sure that he wasn't hurt, growling when she saw his hair.

There was still some dried red staining the roots of his hair, which Nagisa had desperately tried to remove that morning in the shower but failed, as well as a blossoming bruise on his cheek, or more specifically a large, male hand print.

"Who was it? I'll kill them," Kaede seethed, raising a hand to gently caress Nagisa's bruised cheek, "Was it the main campus kids again?"

When Nagisa didn't respond, she huffed and opened her mouth, but was cut off. He pushed her away from him before quickly pacing towards the classroom door. She ran to catch up and managed to at the door, pushing it open for Nagisa and walking it. The bluenette took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally for the bombardment of his classmate's questions.

However, before he could even begin to step in, a hand lightly gripped his arm and pulled him away from the door. Seriously, what was about people not wanting Nagisa to get to class?

He turned around to see Karasuma stood there, his face set in its normal stoic expression, but a twinge of concern swirled in his dark eyes. He sighed and followed his teacher as Karasuma led the bluenette to the staff room.

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