Chapter XLII

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Sorry for the short chapter, I'm having some technical issues. My laptop is broken and I need to get a new one, however I am struggling to find one within my price budget that is decent enough to blow my money on. So, I am having to type this using the computers in the library, which has limited availability. However, I should get a laptop soon and should be back to normal length chapters shortly, so just stay with me for a couple of days to a week. Thanks for reading and enjoy <3

As soon as the front door was quietly shut behind the pair, Nagisa was cornered against the wall, Karma - with a concerned fury smouldering in his golden gaze. Questions were visible in each crease, line and fold within his sun-kissed face, wiry dark eyebrows scrunched together. Flushed lips were parted, sweltering air filtering out and tickling over the shorter male's face. Nagisa almost cowered under such an intense stare, body quivering for a moment before he stilled. 

Cerulean orbs returned with a fierce glare - Karma could almost see the individual bricks shift as the defensive walls were put back in place, as if they were in the same situation with the same relationship when Karma stepped into that classroom. Hands moved to the broad shoulder, splayed, before giving them a firm shove; Karma did not budge. 

"I'm fine, just... contemplating." His tone of voice was almost a sigh, exasperated and suddenly tired, lacking all of the liveliness that he usually possessed. 

Raising an eyebrow, Karma stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest and keeping his eyes trained on Nagisa. It was a look that demanded him to elaborate, yet softened around the edges, more gentle at the weary expression that began to seep into Nagisa's delicate features.

"A lot. My options, career - or careers," snorting dryly, Nagisa downturned his gaze, arms rubbing together anxiously, "Life in general. You know, when I graduated, I had found what I wanted to do. However I must have misjudged or miscalculated the specifics. It was my teacher-"

"I know what happened. At Kunugigaoka."

The interruption seemed to make Nagisa even more thrown, however the statement made him almost shiver as all of the colour drain out of his face. Azure orbs sparkled as they widened and snapped up to meet Karma's. Is that why he was so desperate to bring him back? He had almost assuredly found out by the tabloid newspapers, the fake reports on how they were being held hostage by a monster, how they were unwilling and terrified junior high students - mere children. 

Karma probably thought he was lashing out to hide some deep psychological issue, or to make him seem not scared, when all he was a fragile little child with a traumatic childhood. Why had he not said anything until now? Surely had uncovered it when he researched him, before Gakushu was dead, so why now bring it up? Was it because he felt sorry for Nagisa and didn't want to bring up memories like that, and couldn't bear to make him go another thing? Was their relationship - the most sincere, honest and complex thing that had ever happened to Nagisa - a façade, an act?

 "Don't believe what they say: the newspapers, the reports, even the school - none of it. It isn't true. Koro-sensei was a good person who would never had laid a hand on us, he saved us on multiple accounts! You can't blame him for anything! You don't know the full story, the truth was buried and false sensationalised and-and-it was the principle! I'm not fucked up, that my mother, mother, she was worse, but the principle-"

His voice, growing in pitch and tempo, trailed off, as a moistness began to accumulate on his waterline. Lashes fluttered as he blinked desperately, trying to fight it off, however failed, and ended up being embraced firmly by a familiar pair of toned arms, clad in a thin school uniform.

"Nagi, calm down."

A tender force guided his head to Karma's shoulder, not faltering as the fabric began to dampen. In fact it only began to caress his silky hair, a deep, rhythmic voice reverberating around his head as comforting coos and hums left chapped lips. His lithe form rocked in time to the calming lullaby that spilled into the air, and left Nagisa glowing from the inside out. Even as love and admiration filled his core, a surge of bitter hatred flooded his mind and blinded him. This was it, him being treated like a child.

With no forewarning, Nagisa wriggled out of the grasp of his lover and turned around to harshly rub the wetness that plagued his cheeks like a curse. He let out of a choked curse, before dashing towards the door. Alarmed calls of his name echoed behind him as well as a heavy set of feet began his pursuit. In response, Nagisa increased his speed, pleased with agility.

Karma was not the person Nagisa need right now. No warm touches or murmurs of safety and compassion could fix this. He needed to talk to someone who understood, someone who was there and had to prove themselves, and someone he could trust.

It was time to go to the bar.

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