I've Held On Till May, Now What?

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Waking up to the sound of hooters blaring and what seems to be a truck backing up, I adjusted my eyes to the darkness of my room and rolled over in my bed. My bedside alarm clock's read flashing light read: 14:37, 13 May 2018.
My 19th birthday. Apparently.

Well, I thought to myself, seeming its my birthday I'll just roll over agai--
I sighed, rolling back over, sliding out of bed and getting to my feet.

Pushing my hair back into a pony tail, I walked into the 'lounge', which is really just a dirty, brown single seater couch, a box television from the late 90's, a dehyrdated and dying plant next to it and a cracked wooden table infront of the couch. There was my mother sitting on the couch, hunched over the table.
As I got closer towards her I noticed the faint pop pop sound of her opening and closing her medicinal pill tube's lid over and over again.

"Mother?" I almost whispered, as if I didn't want her to hear me.

Her head whipped around, showing her greyed and wrinkled face, producing a near toothless grin and wide deep blue eyes. She got up and stumbled towards me like a centipede missing 98 of its legs.

"N-no-o m-m-more" she stuttered, shaking the empty bottle in my face, "mo-ore p-p-please."
I shook my head, it hurt me to see her like this and I didn't want to contribute to her drugged up antics.
"M-m-more. NOW." She commanded, a stern look on her face like a toddler who wants an expensive toy.
"No mother, no more."

A slap across the face made my ears ring and my cheek sting. Mother turned away from me and walked back to the couch, mumbling curse words at me as I stood frozen for a few seconds, before retreating back to my room upstairs.

Slamming the door behind me, I walked over to my bedside table and picked up my phone, unlocked it and pressed shuffle on my music app. "Hold On Till May" by Pierce The Veil started playing as I picked up my backpack and put a black hoodie inside, tossed a half empty pack of cigarettes into the backpack, making sure to take one out and tuck it behind my ear while also pocketing my lighter which I had decorated with a simple "PTV" down the length of the plastic body, along with my wallet containing what cash I had managed to salvage from when I sold some of my clothes and belongings on the side of the road.

Pulling out my hairband and shaking my head to loosen up my hair, I put on a black beanie to cover up my dirty brown locks, pulled on a pair of faded black skinny jeans and a black tank top with green cat eyes on it, while I sang along to the song.

"If you were me, you'd do the same, 'cause I can't take anymore. I'll draw the shades and close the door, everything's not alright and I would rather..."

I unplugged my phone from its charger and plugged in my earphones, placing my phone in my back pocket. Closing my door behind me I walked into the lounge once again and towards the front door. I stopped, turned around and saw my mother back in the position she is always in, hunched over that cracked wooden table.
"I'm going out." I stated plainly, as I turned the handle and stepped through the door out onto the street. Putting my earbuds in my ears, I removed the cigarette from behind my ear, lit it and exhaled a cloud of smoke into the cold, crisp air. I took a step out into the street and closed the door behind me.

I'll Steal You Flowers From The Cemetary (A Pierce The Veil Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now