Red Eyes and Cigarettes

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The sunlight was starting to fade inbetween the trees of the that park I was sitting at, passing time by listening to music and watching children play on the jungle gym with their parents. I smiled as one of the children, a little girl with strawberry blonde hair and a gapped tooth smile, was playing hide and seek with her mother whom was pretending to be completely oblivious to her daughter hiding behind a bush.

I can't remember playing with my mother like that, or even interacting with her properly as a child. My mother was always too busy with work or when she was home, she was getting high with her friends while I hid in my room, not wanting to be around them. I hated those friends of hers, they always gave me sideways creepy smirks and smelled of rancid alcohol.

My thoughts were interuppted by the bush next to me start to rustle and giggles emerged from within the green leaves. Two bright blue eyes peered up at me and I put my finger to my lips, signaling that I'll keep quiet, and I smiled down at her. Turning my head away and looking back up, I saw her mother jumping behind rocks and dustbins shouting "boo!" thinking the little girl was hiding behind them, making the bush giggle each time. She looked around the now nearing-dark park and called out for her daughter, breathlessly.

"Cassidy! You win! We gotta go meet up with your brother and go home!"

She noticed me sitting here and gave me a warm smile, I returned it, casually pointing to the bush next to me. She mouthed 'thanks' and slowly creeped up to the bush and shouted "gotcha!" as she wrapped her arms around a laughing little girl and pulled her into a hug, I couldn't help but smile and let out a small chuckle.

"Mommy, that girl helped you! Thats cheating!" Cassidy pouted, pointing a chubby finger at me.
Her mother laughed, I smiled. "Well, why don't you ask the girl what her name is and sit here while I get our things." Looking at me for approval as she said this.

I nodded and patted the seat next to me, welcoming Cassidy to sit down. Her mother smiled at me as she walked to the swing set to grab the blanket and her bags by the swing set, Cassidy jumped up and sat next to me.

"Hi there, I'm Lillith." I said, looking at her as she studied my face.
She shyly looked down at the ground and replied, "I'm Cassidy," and traced the dirt with her shoe.
"Hi Cassidy." I said, giving her a smile.

Wow, I've been smiling alot this evening...

Her mother came back with their things, giving me a friendly look of thanks.

"Well, I think we should be off now Cass, we need to go fetch Dylan from the bar down the road and it's getting dark." Her mother said, looking up at the dark blue sky and then back at Cassidy.
"Can Lillith come with us? She can't sit here and do nothing all night." Cassidy asked her mother, completely out of the blue.
"Wha--?" Myself and her mother exclaimed in unison.

Her mother looked at me, shrugged, then looked back at Cassidy. "Well, that's up to Lillith now isn't it?"

This caused Cassidy to look at me with big puppy dog eyes. Oh what the hell... I have nothing else to do tonight anyway, I was just going to head down to the shops to buy a pack of smokes and I'm sure I can get some at the bar.

"Uh... sure thing." I eventually said, making Cassidy jump up and down with joy and smile at her mother and at me, causing us both to laugh.
"I'm Linda by the way." She said, sticking out her hand. I shook it and replied, "Lillith."

The walk to the bar consisted of 21 questions from both Cassidy and Linda, to which I replied to most of them. When Linda asked me where I live, I answered that I live up 10th Avenue with my mother. She then asked why I was out at the park by myself and not with friends. At this I stuttered and stumbled over my words, trying to come up with an excuse. Getting a worried and sympathetic look from Linda, I was about to make up an excuse as to why I needed to go, filling up with anxiety, but we had arrived at the bar.

Music mixed in with people's drunken cheering burst through the door when we stepped inside, light a burst of hot air to the face. Linda asked me to stay with Cassidy as she went to go find Dylan inside the sea of bodies. I picked up Cassidy and held her above the crowd so she could see where her mother was.

"Alright, alright ladies and gents. Hold your screams and applauses for the final closing band," Came a voice over the loudspeakers, hushing everyone as they waited in anticipation to hear who was playing next.
"Pierce The Veil!"
I almost dropped Cassidy when I heard this and the entire bar shook with applause and screams as people chanted.

Just then, Linda came squeezing through the screeching crowd, dragging a boy whom I guessed was Dylan behind her by the wrist. Cassidy wriggled out of my grip and went to hug her brother while I just stood, eyes fixated on the stage as the one and only Pierce The Veil came out from behind the red stage curtains and assumed positions with their instruments, waving and smiling at the crowd.


I snapped out of my daze and looked down to see Cassidy attached to my leg, hugging me. I blinked once or twice before I realised what was going on, this was goodbye from them. I smiled at Linda and gave Cassidy a hug before giving one to Linda and giving a fist bump goodbye to Dylan.

"I'm gonna watch the final band play before heading home, I'll be fine." I said with a smile to Linda. She slipped something in my hand as she gave me another hug, "Call me if you ever need anything hun." She said, barely audible over the sound of Phantom Power and Ludicrous Speed starting to play. I smiled again and mouthed 'thank you' before waving them goodbye again and watching them huddle out the door and into the darkness outside.

I turned back around to face the crowd, tucking the piece of paper into my pocket. Looking at the stage, it dawned on me what I was witnessing, more importantly who I was witnessing.

Pierce The Veil.

I'll Steal You Flowers From The Cemetary (A Pierce The Veil Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon