She Was Always The One

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~Tony's POV~

It felt so good to be back in San Diego, playing music in the bar that Jaime and I would come and get trashed at while listening to the local bands play and wishing we could be up there. Now we are on stage, living out our dreams in our reality. I glanced over at Mike on the drums as he flipped his drumsticks into the air and caught them with one hand before continuing to play.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a head of wild purple hair bobbing through the crowd towards the stage, a head of brown hair not far hehind her. I strummed my guitar as I smiled at the crowd, catching eye contact with a few of the audience members causing them to explode with a shrill scream of happiness. I looked up at Vic who was gripping the microphone stand while singing into the mic head, his face dripping with sweat but his lips held a smile. He enjoyed having this as a job just as much as I did. We both see eye to eye with this, we don't live for the VIP access, fancy tour busses or cash, we live for the fans. Quite literally infact. The way the fans look up at us, the things they give at at meet and greets, the tweets we get from them expressing their gratitude, it just makes it all worth it.

Looking back at the crowd I saw that the two heads of hair I had noticed earlier were now at the front of the stage, merley centimeters away from Vic's toes. Purple Hair had an album shirt on of ours way back from 2007, and Brown Hair had a black hoodie with what looked to be green cat eyes printed on. It hugged her figure ever so slighlty and I feel myself getting pulled into her watery blue eyes, begging her eyes to look back at mine. Instead, she was looking frantically around her before turning to Purple Hair and they exchanged glances. Purple Hair said something and pointed on stage probably at Vic or someone. Brown Hair's beautiful eyes looked around the stage, not remaining still. She looked back to her friend in a confused manner before she pointed to something again. That's when her eyes finally crept up to mine and we locked eye contact.

I was swimming in her sight, everything faded into a blur as we just stared at eachother, not breaking the connection we shared. Vic's voice was nothing but a light mumble in my ears, my fingers continued to strum my guitar, everything remained there but just in the background. I wanted to get up off the box I was sitting on and walk up to her. I wanted to ask her what her name was, ask her what her favourite food was, favourite animal, what makes her smile, what made her come here to the bar at what seemed to be perfect timing. I wanted to know what she was thinking when she looked into my muddy brown eyes, I wanted to tell her what I was thinking when I looked into hers.

She was beautiful, like a lit match in the dark.

"Thank you! Have a great night!"

I snapped back to reality, blinking out of the trance and losing the connection. I realised that the show was over as the curtains slowly drew closed, searching once more for those blue eyes but all I was met with was that head of purple hair dragging a head of brown hair towards to merch table. The lit match that was her, was dropped into a bowl of water and extinguished, leaving only smoke behind.

"Hey guys," I said, bringing the boys attention to me, "how's about we go sign some merch?"
Vic put the mic back on the stand and wiped his brow, exhailing heavily. Hime cracked his fingers as he pulled off his black jacket and Mike shoved his drum sticks in his back pocket after standing up from his seat.

"Yea sure why not?" Vic said with a grin, the others agreed.

We walked down the side steps of the stage, inbetween the barriers and over to the merch table. Fans started cheering and saying things like how much they enjoyed the show and how we saved their lives and just thanking us over and over again. I picked up a silver washproof paint sharpie and began signing shirts, CD cases, vinyl covers and people's arms and various other body parts.

My eyes darted through the crowd surrounding the table, looking for that one set of eyes that made my stomach churn with butterflies, like the first time I saw them. I hoped to God that she wanted something signed.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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