Linger In The Darkness

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I just stood in awe at the sight of the four people I had looked up to all my life, in complete disbelief that they were indeed standing just meters away from me.
Vic was singing his heart out, Mike was bashing the drums, Jaime was shredding the bass guitar and Tony... oh Tony... he was smiling his cute dimpled smile at the crowd as he strummed the strings on his guitar.
The crowd jumped up and down to the beat of "Bedless", shaking me out of gazing at the wonderful people on stage.
I felt an arm snake around my shoulders, startled, I turned to see a girl with purple hair who was wearing a 2007 Pierce The Veil album shirt smiling at me. She said something, but I couldnt hear her over the sound of the crowd's singing mixing in with Vic's voice. I awkwardly smiled at her and shrugged my shoulders, pretending to of heard her and not know the answer to what she said, hoping that what she said was a question. She laughed at my clear mishearing and leaned into me, putting her black lipsticked mouth up to my ear.

"I SAID, MY NAME IS MILLIE. WHAT'S YOURS?" She screamed, just barely audible. I caught a wiff of alcohol on her breath.
She looked at me once again, awaiting a response with an eager toothy grin smeared across her face, she was clearly plastered.
I leaned in this time, "LILLITH."
Millie smiled even wider at my response, she said something along the lines of 'that's a cool name' but her attention was drawn away from me and back to the stage as Vic grabbed the mic and hushed the crowd.

"Come on, lets get closer." Millie giggled drunkenly.
Before I could even hesitate, she grabbed my arm and dragged me through the crowd, bumping into people and causing them to spill their drinks. She elbowed past a few more unsuspecting people and we got right infront of the stage, centimeters away from Vic's feet.
Looking up at him, I saw him smile down at us and give Millie a wink, causing her to squeal and almost faint. She linked her arm with mine and pulled me closer to her as she looked up excitedly at Vic and the rest of the band.

"Shhhhhhh, everyone, shhhh." Vic said into the mic, hushing the crowd and putting a finger to his lips.
Silence swept over the sea of bodies crammed inside the bar, each person looking up expectantly at Vic.
"I just wanted to take a moment before we play our final song of the night to thank you all for being the best audience and even greater fans. You're the reason we're standing here right now, playing for you. Thank you and here's to our final song, 'Song For Isabella'!"

The crowd went wild with cheers and girls waving their arms in the air as 'Song For Isabella' started to play. Millie took hold of my hand and thrusted it in the air and began to sing along with Vic. Millie glanced at me, still singing and not skipping a lyric, she smiled and nodded for me to join in. A small grin crept onto my lips as I gripped her hand tighter, turning to face the stage, closing my eyes and began to sing my heart out along with her and the rest of the crowd.

The song seemed to course through me, awakening a feeling I've never felt before, quaking my body. It warmed up my chest and brought an even bigger smile to my face as I sang. I got a rush of adrenaline and started to jump up and down, making Millie do the same. In the heat of the moment, I suddenly felt eyes on me, making me start to feel uncomfortable again and I began to retreat back into submissive mode, losing the adrenaline rush as quickly as I got it. Anxiety bubbled up in my stomach and made its way up my throat.
I opened my eyes to see who was looking at me, turning around and glancing at the crowd, I saw that everyone had their eyes on the band. I felt the stare burning into my head, like someone was extinguising their cigarette on my head. I turned to face Millie, thinking it was her staring at me, however she was looking at the stage too. She realised I was looking at her and turned to me, still smiling, and pointed at the stage.

Following her finger past Vic who was singing the last chorus, my eyes flicked over to Tony who seemed to be in a daze as he was playing his guitar. He had a small smile on his face and was staring at something. I looked back at Millie in confusion, she laughed and pointed again. She pointed at Tony. I looked back at him and my eyes accidentally connected with his.

I just stood there, staring back into Tony's eyes. My ears cancelled out everything except for Vic's voice as he sang. I fell still in a crowd of jumping people, like a single black crow in a windswept corn field.

"Back in the days, when I was young
I’m not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again
Back in the days when I was young
I'm not a kid anymore
But some days I sit and wish I was a kid again"

I watched Tony as he continued to stare, mouthing the words Vic sang as he strummed to the beat, not taking his eyes off mine. My heart pounded in my chest, vibrating against my ribcage to the beat of the drums.

"Thank you! Have a good night!"

Tony blinked himself out of his dazed state as Vic's voice pulled him away from my eyes, blushing. He turned to stand up and exit off the stage, running his hand through his hair with a shy smile on his face. Milly tugged on my arm, bringing me back to reality. She wined to me about getting an autograph or something. I just nodded without thinking, as she dragged me along with her, my thoughts being crowded with one thing.

Was Tony Perry looking at... me?
No, no... that's ridiculous...


I'll Steal You Flowers From The Cemetary (A Pierce The Veil Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें