She's Awake

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She gasps awake in a cold sweat, panting and confused.

"Wha-where..." She panted. She slowly sits up then inhales sharply through her teeth. She lays back down and holds her head as everything around her feels like it's moving. She tries to observe the room through her hazy vision.
The room is grand, everything in here is gold with fancy decor all around.

The woman takes a deep breathe and slowly sits up. She tries to swing her legs, but they won't move. It feels like her whole body has been asleep forever. She picks up her legs and swing them out. As she tries to stand her legs give out and she collapses onto the floor.

"Ahh! Ugh." She hissed through her teeth.

She reaches up and uses the bed as support to stand up. Her legs buckle, but she's able to find her footing. She stumbles at first then reaches for the nearest wall and leans against it. She notices the dress that she's wearing is quite long and has a mixture of  black and silver. It's lose and flowy.

" I!" She shouted through the empty golden hallway. Her breathing starts to become ragged and slightly weaker. Chills start to run through her body. She struggles to keep her eyes open. She starts to sweat.

Footsteps approach her. Someone gasps.

"" The woman starts fading in and out conciseness, anything she hears sounds like she's under water.

As the bystander tries to assist her she becomes alert and panicked.
She snaps and grabs the man five times her height and size by the neck and lifts him off the ground. She chucks him back down the hall. Her hands start to shake and she starts to become anxious.

"Your majesty please-." The man said in a calming tone.

The woman darts past the man and out the door. He gets up as quickly as he can and follows behind her.

"Shes awake! Be careful!" The man shouted.

"Someone tell her husband! Quickly!" Another voice shouted. "Grab her before she hurts herself!" They added.

"How is she able to run this fast?!" A different voice shouted.

The woman pushes though a group of bystanders dressed in fancy renaissance clothing. She knocks them all down and doesn't look back she keeps running, she quickly turns a corner.
As she does she covers her eyes from the blinding blue daylight sky with flying mechanisms flying by. She stops and peaks through her arms and gasps she slowly approaches the window and stares in awe.

"What is this?" She said under her breath. This-ahh!" The woman clenches her side. She looks down at her hand and sees specks of blood scattered on her palm. She's bleeding through her dress.

"Oh no..."

"There she is!" A voice shouted. The woman glances behind her at the crowd of men and takes off again.

"Your majesty! Wait! You need to stop!" They shouted frantically.

The woman ignores the warnings and keeps running as she holds her side. She keeps running down the halls until she finds herself at a dead end on an open balcony. The railing cushions her stop, but adds more pain to her side. She looks over the railing and sees gold and silver skyscrapers. Her jaw drops at all the tall gold buildings, a long multi-colored glowing bridge in the distance. She tries to look down but feels woozy from the pain and blood loss.

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