Rebuilding Broken Memories

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About two weeks have gone by since Minerva has woken up from her coma. Loki made sure her stitches were properly healed so they wouldn't undone again. She's been able to walk around for a bit until her wound starts to feel sore and Loki being the caring husband he is has been carrying his wife around on his back. She does feels a bit silly being piggy backed around, but she enjoys being able to hold him.

The relationship between her and Loki is a little awkward, mostly due to her amnesia. Loki holds himself back from smothering her with love and affection. He doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. Even though Minerva can't remember much she can't help but feel this strange feeling inside whenever she's around Loki. She doesn't really remember him, but she wants to hold him and lay on his chest all day while he whispers sweet nothings to her.

Right now Loki and Minerva are having a lovely breakfast in their bedroom. Loki didn't want her to walk to the dinning hall so they've been having breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed for the last few weeks.

"How does your food taste, darling?" He asked.

"It's really good...this is so good." Minerva continues to shove food into her mouth. Loki smiles st his hungry wife.

"You know I've been thinking, maybe we can take you to the garden today. If you're up for it."

"What garden?"

"Before you lost your memory you'd spend hours upon hours in the royal garden. You would make bouquets for the handmaidens or make you and I flower crowns."

"That sounds really sweet." She smiled softly.

"I tried my best to tend to the garden while you were recovering. I apologize now if the flowers look terrible. You're more of a green thumb than I am."

Minerva shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm sure you did your best."

Loki smiles at his wife.

"I really did. I'll admit during your coma I would go in the garden and sit there by myself, imagining you tending to the flowers, or possibly you surprising me from behind with..." Loki stops talking and gets lost in his thoughts. "Sorry-it's just...I've missed having you around." He said softly.

Minerva feels her heart flutter.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't around." She pouted. "Well-I mean...the whole." She's slightly embarrassed by her response.

Loki shakes his head and holds his wife's warm hand.

"It's not your fault, If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here. I do wish the roles were reversed or at least you not losing your memory." Loki pouted.

"Umm-I'm sorry, I have to ask; Why are your hands always so cold?" She asked.

"H-how do you mean?" He stammered slightly.

"Whenever you hold my hand or touch me it's like they're practically ice. Are you always this cold?"

Loki shrugs his shoulders and chuckles nervously.

"Ah right. I've always been cold-cold blooded if you will. It's strange...normally I don't necessarily get cold nor feel cold. Thankfully you're the warmer one between the two of us."

Minerva smirks at Loki then takes another bite of her food.

"But does going to the garden sound? If not today we can try another time." He suggested.

Minerva thinks for a moment as she continues to eat her food.

"Maybe later on. Was there a reason why I liked being in the garden? Other than picking and watering them." Minerva questioned.

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