Chapter 2 - Want to play a game?

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The girl shivered out of fear. She was tempted to turn around and face the shadow. She didn't do it because what if it wasn't even human? 'Then what are you?' She asked the shadow. 

'I'm your worst nightmare.' The voice answered. Suddenly someone or maybe it blew a whistle. She heard the sound of paws and birds coming her way. 'Please just let me go. I won't harm you. Please I beg you! I just want to find my mom.' She said crying. 

The shadow didn't want to let her go so easily. For awhile there was complete silence in the forest. 'Want to play a game?' The voice said after a while. The girl was scared but since this was her only chance of getting out she said yes.

'Good!' The voice said 'If you are faster than the wolf and the birds wich is highly unlikely. I'll let you go.' The girl smiled and said 'Really! Thank you so much!'

'O girl. Not so fast I'm not done yet. The wolf and birds can harm you. So be prepared they won't go easy on you and if you'll lose....' The girl interupted the voice and snorted ' Wich is highly unlikely. So let's do this.' She didn't know where the confidence came from probably all the adrenaline. 

'We'll see about that.' The voice laughed 'You'll get a head start of 10 minutes. Shall we start the game then?' The girl nodded her head after she nodded her head she realised the shadow couldn't see it so she whispered yes. 'Well I would start running if I were you. See you soon.' The voice laughed.

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