Chapter 4 - Further into the forest

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They've walked for 2 hours and in those 2 hours her feet hurted a lot because she lost her shoes while she was on the run. She collapsed and you heard a BOOM echoing through the forest. The shadow turned around and looked at the girl. 'Well that's a pity. We can't stop now.' It said. 'You're lucky I have my little darlings.' Suddenly the wolf and the birds were back. 'O my! I only need you wolfie polfie dolfie.' the voice said. 'He's gone bonkers.' she thought to herself. 'Other little darlings you need to go.' They disappeared just as soon as they came. 'Climb on it's back little girl.' it said. The wolf lowered itself to let the girl on it's back. The girl did doubt about it since the wolf was a 'little darling' of that thing. 'Why are you still standing there little girl?' it said angry. 'Well better climb on it's back then.' she thought and that's how they continued their long ride.

'We're almost there little girl.' it said. 'You said that hours ago.' she thought. After another hour it was almost dawn.* The voice cursed and mumbled in it's self. 'We're not going to make it. We need to be there before dawn.*' The girl didn't know what the shadow was talking about. 'What does it matter if we don't reach it before dawn*?' she thought. 'Little darling you need to run harder. I'll run ahead and you have to follow me with her. Don't lose her or else...' It said. The wolf nodded it's head. 'Let's get going then.' It said 'Little girl you need to hold on real tight. We don't want you to fall of. Actually I'll just use some magic.' It said a few weird words and said 'And now it's done. Come on Darlings.' She wanted to puke he called her darling. Her head started to itch and she wanted to scratch but she couldn't. 'So magic does exist.' she said to herself. 'How am I going to scratch my head.' she screamed out in horror. 'Well darling life can be a bitch.' It echoed through the forest. 'But chop chop* *little darlings. We don't have forever.' They continued their journey.

* Dawn means before the sun rises.

**Chop chop means be quick or hurry up. I could have put it there but I personally think chop chop fits the character more.

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