Chapter 5 - Almost there

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She woke up after a long ride on the wolf's back. 'O my little darling is awake.' The shadow said. 'I need to puke.' She thought. Her stomach grumbled loudly. 'O dear! I totally forgot about that. You see we don't need food. We're almost immortal.' The shadow said 'Stay here I'll find some food for you little darling. but we need to hurry!' After awhile it came back and it gave her a apple. 'Eat it! Now let's go!' After she ate the apple she fell asleep again. 'But I don't feel sleepy' she thought. 

'AAH we're here! Come darling! Isn't it beautiful!' The shadow said. 'What are you talking about?' She thought. 'All I see is a high wall!' She said 'You've definitely gone bonkers.' The shadow made a disaproving sound. 'Well I expected more of you little one.' Suddenly the shadow started to speak a weird language. She sat there confused and stuttered. 'But...the high wall...what?....How?...It was there a second ago! What's this! I want to go back! Let me go! This is madness!' The shadow started to walk to the wall. 'What you just saw was the Stargatewall. It's named the Stargatewall because they say it's so high that it touches the stars. It doesn't open for humans. Only for immortal creatures.' They walked forward through the gate. The soldiers by the gate were already in an attack position. 'Who's there?' a soldier with a low voice asked.

'Your worst nightmare.' the shadow said 'My little darlings. Attack!' it smiled wickedly. Suddenly the whole sky was filled with black birds. The paws could be heard from a mile away. It was not a pretty scene I'll tell you that. The wolf where she was sitting on also attacked the soldiers. She wanted the wolf to stop but it was like she wasn't even there in the first place. Like she could see what happend right in front of her but she couldn't move. The wolf attacked a soldier and right when he had him in it's mouth a bird came and picked it's beak right through the soldiers eyes. She looked at it whith horror and she wanted to get away as soon as possible. 'O my little one this will soon be over just close your eyes.' The shadow said. So she did.

When she woke up she saw tons of corpses on the ground. She looked at it with horror and thought 'So it wasn't a dream.' The shadow led them towards a gate. 'This is the Stargate. Remember it little one you'll probably never come here again. Maybe when you are older.' She looked around amazed. The wall was really high just like the gate. The shadow said some weird words again and the gate opened. 'After you litte one.' it said. 'Why aren't I freaked out about this?' She said to herself. 'Because magic is a wonderful thing. I can read peoples minds and correct their emotions.' The shadow said. The girl snorted and said 'Correct? Don't you mean change? And wait a second! Did you do that to me to? Is that why I'm not so freaked out about this? By the way where is my mom?!' 

'Yes I said correct. I'm not changing anything just correcting. There's still a lot you need to learn little one.' The shadow said 'Your mom? You mean your aunt? She abandoned you.' The girl was quiet for awhile. 'But you just said you could change peoples minds. Did you do that to my mom?' The shadow became angry. 'I just said she is your aunt. Let's get going.' 

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