DiggerxReader 2

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The house were you were supposed to be staying was small. As the newest member of the Suicide Squad, you didn't get your own room. You were sharing with Katana.

You liked Katana, of course, but her whole cryptic speeches and everything was tiresome. The last couple of nights she had woken you up because she thought midnight was a prime time to start sharpening her blade.

So the next night, you decided to visit your friend Digger. Digger was cool. He laughed at your jokes, and he was a good team mate, despite what you heard about his tendency to kill his past partners.

You ducked into his room, carrying a pillow. "Digger?" You asked.

Digger was laying out in the bed, wearing a white t shirt and a pair of boxers. He was unfazed by your presence.

"What do you want." Digger groaned.

His eyes were transfixed on his cell phone; he got to have a cell phone as a privilege for completing missions successfully! You were hopeful to earn your own one day.

You hopped onto the side of the bed and crawled so you could see what he was doing on the magic rectangle. "Whatcha looking at?"

Digger tossed the phone down on the other side of him so you couldn't spy. "None of your business! You'll get your own phone." He had a goofy smile on his face.

You put your chin and your hound, pretending to pout. "Hmph."

"So, what did you want?" Digger rolled over on his side so he could face you, and he put his chin in his hand, mimicking you.

"Can I stay in here tonight? Please? I can't sleep with Katana." You begged. You tried your best to give him puppy dog eyes.

Digger leaned back, considering it. Please say yes, please say yes! You screamed in your head.

He seemed to hear your silent cries and scooted over. "Yeah, sure."

"Yes!!" You shrieked and dove under the covers eagerly, and curled up right next to diggers side.

Out if the corner of your eye, you saw Digger shoot you a look. It was a weird look to see on his face, it was almost..innocent? And sweet?

You ignored his weirdness

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You ignored his weirdness. You fluffed up your pillow and put it behind your head, making yourself comfy. Diggers bed was way better than that crappy cot Rick Flag was making you sleep on.

"Night Digger," you yawned and reached up to flip the light off. You had a mission early tomorrow morning and you weren't going to miss a chance to prove yourself.

Digger pulled some of the blanket off of you for himself. "G'night, bed hog." He chuckled.

You mumbled something incoherent back and rolled over so you were on your stomach.

That night was the best sleep you'd had since joining the team. In the middle of the night you'd woken up, unable to move, because digger had grabbed you tightly in his sleep and wouldn't let you go. You accepted your fate as a stand in for Pinky the Unicorn and used his chest as a pillow. Your dreams were filled with rainbow unicorns.

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