Visions and House Calls

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    Lamplight illuminated the small household, granting its one and only resident just enough light to red the faded titles that lined the walls. The floor boards creaked under his feet as he hobbled along. Alastor Moody lived aloe: he had for most of his life. The house was large, but not so that it felt empty. Even if it had he wouldn't have minded.

     Everyone around him said he was senile. he said he was vigilant. There was a massive difference between thinking someone was trying to break on to his property, and being well aware of the fact that someone was trying to breaking on to his property. The ministry was making him out to be some loony, paranoid old man. He'd been around long enough to know when there was an attempt on his life eminent.

     The last few nights, someone had been lurking outside his home. He didn't know who it was: he hadn't been able to catch them before they skulked off. Once or twice he'd stuck his head out and shouted for them to move along, but that was the most direct retaliation he'd given. Of course he'd setup some extra precautions. He wasn't about to go down without some sort of a fight.

     Moody made his way to the window of his study, peering through the heavy curtains and out into the twilight of evening. The stranger was due back any time now. They were actually running late. Ten o'clock. Every night. That's when they stood out on the street. If the pattern was usually irregular, Moody wouldn't have been so suspicious, but it had been like clockwork every other time. It was almost eleven, and Moody's guard was up.

     "Where are you?" he murmured to himself. There was no way they were sneaking in. Even if they had been stalking him for the last few days, they had no clue what he had in store for them when they came inside. even making an attempt to get in would be the move of a total idiot. Or an overconfident genius. Either way it wouldn't end well for whever it was.

     Moody turned away from the window and headed back toward the hall, his eyes darting from left to right. There was a creaking noise from down the stairs, Moody turned quickly, "show yourself! If you think you can sneak around my home, you'd best think again!"  He reached for his wand, gripping it's handle tightly before he started toward the sound. Decades of Auror training ensured he was cautious as e turned from the staircase to the dining room. The sounds of a door closing drew his attention to the pantry. Moody drew his wand, grabbing the door's handle and turning it silently before he threw the door open. He let out a shout, hoping to alarm whoever was inside, but the room was empty.

     "What the devil?" He furrowed his eyebrows. He'd  been so sure ir had been the pantry. Maybe the ministry was on to a very slight something. Maybe he was slipping. Moody never really got a chance to ponder it further and dismiss the idea.

     Before anything could be done, his wand was wrenched from his grasp, and he was shoved to the floor.

     "Petrificus Totalus!"

The spell was weak since the caster was using someone else's wand, but it was enough. Unable to move, Moody stared up with a deep scowl at the man who'd gotten the better of him. He was young, his skin slightly sallow, and dark rings around of his eyes. Eyes that glinted with alicious intent.

     "Thank you, Mad Eye," he said smoothly, fingering the wand with a smirk. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of this for you."


     Richard's eyes opened abruptly, the sun shining through the RV windows blinding him momentarily. He sighed and stretched out with a groan. His back popped, shortly followed by his neck. He'd slept in more uncomfortable positions, but curled up in the driver's seat probably made his top five. Richard glanced around and laughed quietly. The rest of his team was still completely out of it. Monica was asleep on the small sofa in the back, Jerome was passed out on the floor a few feet away from her, and River had sprawled out on the table with a cocoon of pillows and blankets. Camille had snuck to the front, sitting in the passenger seat next to him. She was snoring softly, curled up and looking far more comfortable that Richard had felt. He smiled slightly as he stood up. There wasn't really any need to wake them up. He carefully removed one of the many blankets surrounding River, and then laid it over Camille before stepping out of the RV for some fresh air.

In the Spirit of Victory (Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover AU)Where stories live. Discover now