Chapter 8

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Josh pov

The next day, Maddie, Chloe, Nick and I were in Walmart food shopping.  Food shopping? I know right. But our parents sent Chloe and Madison here, and the girls dragged Nick and I along.  We were buying groceries because thanksgiving is in two days, so our parents sent us on loads of errands. It is a tradition that the Hyland, Ziegler and Lukasiak family combine for festive dinner; this time it was different because, Nick and his parents will be joining us for the first time and Nia, Kendall and my sisters Paige and brooke won't be here for the first time (so originally it used to be a Hyland, Ziegler, Lukasiak, Frazier and Vertes dinner.) They had made it big time, Nia and Kendall are currently living in a nice house in California, and my sisters are in London, UK, they are basically rich and dancing professionally. They also have a mantion with 11 bedrooms and to top it all off, they are 17 and 16.

"Which turkey? " Chloe asked as Maddie held two turkeys in her hand.  Nick and I looked at each other.

"Turkeys.....really?" Nick asked.

"Too late, we've all ready picked," Maddie smiled.

By the time we had finished we loaded 41 shopping bags into Maddie's car, and drove back to Chloe's place. ( that's were thanksgiving dinner was this year). We hauled the bags into the lukasiak's kitchen and headed upstairs to Chloe's bedroom. We all lounged in her "sitting area" which was full of small sofas, sofa beds, armchairs, beanbags and cute little throw pillows. Suddenly,  I received a text from Paige.

Hey Josh, I haven't texted you in a while, how are you doing? Anyways, I have the most exciting news! Nia and Kendall have moved in with us, so in that case how would you, Maddie Nick and Chloe like to live with us! I can buy your tickets, Maddie Nick and Chloe can dance with us (you get tonnes of money) and you can get a job!  i'll send you each spending money to buy clothes and essentials. I'm about to book the tickets , I just need to press one button.
Love your fav sibling ♥
paigeymack x


one day after thanksgiving!

Wow, that's in 3 days. I hopped out of the beanbag and stood up in front of the rest of my friends.

"You guys I have like the worlds most exciting news! Paige has asked us to live in London with her!"

I read out the text and looked at everyone's facial expressions.  If you asked me, there faces looked like I just murdered someone.

"What?" Chloe asked. "  "Josh, How long will we be staying there?"

"Chloe,  calm down. And if we're going to moving there, then forever I guess.  And maybe we could fly back to America once a month for 2 days? Anyway, don't you want to see Nia, Paige, Kendall and Brooke? "

" I guess London is cool and I kinda miss those guys," Chloe responded.

"Hold up! We're 16 I mean come on you guys. However,  I might have a plan. We could book a 6 month flight and see how we get on. After the 6 months and if we don't like it than we can come back to pittsburgh, but if we do like it we can just cancel the flight, " Maddie suggested.

"Yeah, but we need to ask our parents first. Maybe on Thanksgiving?" Nick asked.

We all nodded and I texted Paige to tell her to book a 2 way flight. Maybe this will be okay.

The Gf or the Bf (dance moms fanfic/dancemoms fanfic/cosh fanfic/ mosh fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora