Chapter 17

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Chloe pov

"Mom, Diane you probably know what we're going to say. Can we go too?" I asked both of the mothers.

"Of course you can Chloe," my mom replied.

"If you're going, I see no reason why Nick can't," Diane said.

Nick hugged me tight and whispered:

"Wtf, we're going to be living together."

"I know right."

So it was finally official. We are aloud to go to London.

After all of that debating we could finally dig in and enjoy our delicious thanksgiving dinner. After, Josh, Nick, Maddie and I took the sandwiches and headed out of the door. I drove them to McDonald's drive thru and then to the more deprived parts of Pittsburgh.

We managed to give money and food to 14 homeless people tonight, and I'm pretty proud of that.

After, we went home and enjoyed our last night at home.

Time skip to next morning

It was 1 o'clock in the morning and we were already up and dressed. Our flight was at 4 so in my eyes, this was pretty necessary. Obviously, I was happy about moving to London but for some reason nothing but a wave of anxiety covered me. But then again I am nothing but a 16 year old girl who is moving to another country she knows absolutely nothing about. Wow, this plan was crazier than I thought.

"We should probably get some breakfast," Nick suggested.

We all walked into the kitchen and just had a bowl of lucky charms. I don't think I was the only one who was nervous, I'm pretty sure every one else was too. When I was done, I made a hot chocolate with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and marshmallows to ease my nerves.


And as I predicted it indeed did relax me.

Just then, the moms strolled into the kitchen, too say there last goodbyes I guess. I was gonna miss my mom and sister, but when I think about it I am going to see them every two months and facetime and call her like twice a day.

"Okay guys, it's half one know, so we better leave," Maddie told us.

I picked up my luggage.

"Well, I guess this is it mom," I said to her.

"Bye chlobird I love you."

I hugged her.

"I love you too."

At that moment, Clara came racing down the stairs.

"CHLOOOEE!" she screamed.

My little sister leaped into my arms.

"Bye bye Chloe."

"See you soon Clara, I'm gonna miss you the most."

I kissed her on the forehead and placed her back on the ground.

"Ready?" Josh asked me.

I took a deep breathe in.

"I'm ready."

We all waved and left the house.

Next stop the airport.

The Gf or the Bf (dance moms fanfic/dancemoms fanfic/cosh fanfic/ mosh fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora