zombie apocalypse part one

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Um well I feel stupid. I would of updated sooner but I'm fucking lazy and sometimes I feel to sad to do anything. So I'm updating finally. Really guys I'm sorry.
Anti's pov
I hide under a bush as the zombies ran by me. I let out I sigh of relief quietly. I look out only to see someone running. I can't make out who they are. They run fast I panic thinking that runner zombies are after me. Then I notice it's only one thing. Oh great one runner zombie is hard to kill cause they move fast I thought. I stand up from my hidding spot getting ready to run. Just then did the thing run into me knocking me off me feet. I fall hard but roll on my back quickly and look up. The things face is covered with its hair. The thing knees down moving it's hair out of its face. Only then did see it was Dark. I sigh sitting up.
"Oh sorry about that Anti. But to be honest I was looking for you. And I found you." Dark said standing up and offering me his hand. I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet.
"True you did find me. Also you did run into me." I say. He rolls his eyes
"Well maybe if you weren't so short I could see." He said.
"Hey I'm only a couple of inches shorter than you." I say in defence.
"And plus you suddenly popped out of the bushes."
"I was hidding so I didn't die."
"Well come on we can't stay in the woods with the zombies all around." That's not a bad idea I thought
"Yeah your right." We start to walk quiet and carefully. We needed somewhere safe to sleep. Even though we take turns on sleeping while the other keeps watch. And maybe if we are lucky we can find so food. We find a cave and after a very long search we find it's safe. So we go inside decided to camp here. Dark goes to look for fire wood while I work on starting a fire. I manage to start a small fire. Right as I hear something walk into the cave. I jump up look back.
"Sorry did I scare you?" Dark says as he walks in.
"Yeah a little bit." I say.
He hands me some fire wood. So I put it on the fire.
"So who's sleeping first." I ask looking back at him.
"Um you can." He answers. I nod. We sit around the fire. It starts to get dark. I lay back. As Dark looks at the cave opening. I pull my knees to my chest. We start to hear the slow foot falls of the zombies outside. Dark quickly puts out the fire. Then I see them. The zombies. Their dead eyes staring blankly ahead. The moon outlines their decaying bodies. They slowly limp by. One of them stops outside the cave. Slowly turning it's horrible body. I start to panic holding my breath as it starts it's horrible limping walk inside the cave. I limps pass Dark not noticing him. Dark watches it. I lay still holding my breath as it stops in front of me. It stays there. It steps only for it's feet to hit me side. It stops looking down. It lets out an horrible sound as it sees me. I let out a scream. Dark jumps up and pulls the zombie away from me. He throws it away. And pulls me up. I breath deeply and quickly scared. The zombie howls and I hear the other zombies. Dark picks me up running out of the cave and away from the zombies. I hold on to his shoulder.
To be continued
Sorry I would write more but I'm lazy

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