Chapter Two // The Start of a Fun Day

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We were about to leave for the carnival! Tom and I had already taken showers and got dressed.

I grabbed my keys, wallet, and sweater as Tom grabbed our phones off the counter

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I grabbed my keys, wallet, and sweater as Tom grabbed our phones off the counter.
"You ready?!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.
I knew he loved carnivals whether they were in cheesy romance movies or just deja vu from his childhood. Harrison has told me so many stories about him when he was younger, especially one where Tom wanted a teddy bear, but knew he wouldn't use it yet he still wanted it. So...he won one for Haz! I thought that was the cutest thing so I made myself I promise to win him a teddy bear later :)
"As ready as I'll ever be!!"
Tom and I got in the car and off we went!
"So what do you wanna do first? Some rides....maybe some games?"
"Not sure yet, I'll decide when we get there."
"Ok love. It's our night so we fan do anything we want!" said Tom with a wink.
I smiled and looked out the window. I felt Tom rest his hand on my thigh so I placed my hand on his. He looked at me and chuckled. About 30 min later, we arrived at the carnival! It was already about 3:30, but I felt like we'd be here till very late. Tom thought we should pay extra for close parking even though I thought it was expensive enough.
"But N, you'll be exhausted and I really don't wanna carry you all the way across the street. It'll be so much better if I only have to carry you like 5 feet to the car."
Knowing that wasn't at all true, Tom and I laughed our heads off. He knows when I deny something, that means I know it's true. We got out of the car and walked in hand in hand. As I paid for the tickets, he gave me a tiny kiss on the cheek and I looked up to kiss him back. Tickets in hand, we looked around to see what kind of stuff they had. Tom practically screamed when he saw, of course, a Spiderman ride.
"CAN WE GO ON THAT?! PLEASE!!!" said a begging Tom.
Your boyfriend can be such a five year old. I shook my head yes and tried to keep up with him as he sprinted over to it.

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