Chapter Four // Teddy Bears

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We decided to get some caramel apples and just walk around for a bit. Until I remembered the bet I made with myself. "Hey Tom?"
"Yeah babe?"
"Haz told me a little story about hmmm idk...a teddy bear?" I said, winking at him.
"I'm gonna kill Haz tomorrow...." said Tom laughing.
I led him over to a game booth that was giving away huge teddy bears if you knocked down all the clowns.
"Nah uh! I'm supposed to be winning YOU a teddy bear, not the other way around." said an annoyed yet adorable Tom. "Well I'm going to try, and if I don't get it, you have to win the teddy bear or...," you said, looking around for a dare, "you have to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl three times."
"WHAT?! That's so not fair! You don't get a forfeit!!"
"Well if I don't win it, you also have no...." you quietly whispered something naughty into his ear as his face turned bright red.
"ALRIGHT COME ON BABE YOU GOT THIS YOU GOT THIS WIN IT FOR ME COME ON" I heard from a worried Tom. Laughing, I thought to myself...Okay, I got this. It's 4 balls knocking down 6 clowns, how hard can it be? First ball, and THROW! Oh my goodness, I got two!
Okay second ball, two more down!
Third down!
"Oh my God if you win I swear..."
L a s t o n e....I threw it while sort of covering my eyes from nervousness and....DANG IT I MISSED!
Tom looking so angry stepped up and said, "NAH UH THAT WASN'T FAIR SHE HAD IT THIS IS RIGGED!"
"Tom baby it's alright, you still have your turn. Unless you're scared of riding the Tilt-a-Whirl three times..." I said smirking.
"Here give me one more."
The man behind the table said, "Sorry sir, but that wouldn't be fair to the other players."
Tom grunted, but suddenly, his face lit up like he remembred something. He took his wallet out and pulled out a $50. "Tom?! What are you-"
I was cut off by him sliding the bill on the table and saying, "All I'm asking for is one. more. turn."
The man quickly pocketed it and gave him another ball.
"Watch this"
Oh God if he gets this... He throws and of course, hits the last clown! The man hands him the teddy bear, and Tom shakes his hand.
"Oh my God Tom you did it!"
I reach for the bear, but he pulls away.
He comes close to me and asks, "Who's the hottest guy in the entire world?"
"Hmm I don't know...Maybe Harrison?" I say with a wink.
He turns and stomps away trying to seem angry even though I see a small smile growing on his face.
"TOM?! Come on baby I was kidding!"
He turns back around to face me and says, "Say it Naomi. I want to hear you say it."
His face leans in so close I can feel his warm breath on my neck.
"Fine. Tom you're the hottest guy in the world."
"You bet I am," says Tom with the biggest smirk on my face.
He grabs my thighs and hoists me up on his shoulder.
"Tom! Put me down!!"
"Ha this is payback for saying Haz is hotter than me."
He soon puts me on the floor right in front of the tilt-a-whirl.
"Tom. No."
"Hey I won the bear for you!"
"Keep it up and soon I'll cash in my forfeit." I said angry.
We both start laughing hysterically and head back to the car with the teddy bear in one of my hands and Tom's hand in the other. I get in, and so does Tom.
"Where are we going for dinner? It's around 10 o'clock so I'm not exactly sure what's open love."
I loved when he called me that. It always sends chills up and down my body.
"Well that steak place by the house is probably open."
"Eh, I'm not feeling a special meal right now."
"Deal, as long as I get a cuddle when we get back home."
"Oh you'll get more than that," I said teasingly.
Tom jerked his head around and spun out of the parking lot and to Chick-Fil-A while I'm crying of laughter in my seat!

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